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Garage Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
There are many garage designs available like;carports (instant and kits), garages with lofts or apartments,workshops, RV garages, carriage house style, car barns. There areone car and two or more car garages. Planning for the perfect styleand size of garage may require some professional advice.Planning the building of your garage will insure that it is donecorrectly and with quality products. There are four main componentsthat you should consider when designing your garage: reinforcement,flooring, doors, and bracing.If you're like me, the garage is the only place where I truly amking of my domain. A place to tinker, reflect or just get away fromthe family for a while and relax with a cold one. Great garagedesigns should take into consideration your exact purpose beforebuilding or remodeling.At this stage, a bit of forethought into the interior of yourgarage designs will improve the overall functionality and alsoprovide you with a pretty cool place to hang out. If you need tojustify your garage designs to the wife, just remind her this is animprovement and it's adding value to your home. That one worked forme!Granted, the fun part is decorating the interior with all yourcool stuff in the attic that you haven't seen since college becauseit's not allowed anywhere in the house, let's not start planningall that just yet. We need to be practical first. All garagedesigns should start with some basic fundamentals:Lighting: More is better. Don't skimp here. Place themstrategically to avoid dark spots. Your eyes will thank you for it.I would suggest incorporating fluorescent fixtures into your garagedesigns They use less electricity and help keep down the heat onhot days.Electrical: You're not the king of your domain if you have toyell for the wife to untangle you from several extension cords.It's also unsafe! When reviewing your garage designs spreadelectrical outlets evenly throughout the garage. A few on theceiling come in very handy.Heat: Even warm climates get a bit chilly from time to time.Reward yourself with a good source of heat. Even the best garagedesigns are worthless if it's too cold to be in! You'll not only bemore productive, you'll be cozy while doing it.Ventilation: Windows are king! If you're building a garage,include functional windows in your garage designs They're a godsendfor ventilation as well as a great light source. Consider someceiling fans. They'll help cooling in the summer and assist inuniform heating during cooler weather. An exhaust fan will helpremove fumes.Storage: With so many storage options on the market today why ishalf the world spending a perfectly great weekend each springcleaning out their garage? Research this prudently and include themin your garage designs If you're lucky enough to have overheadstorage or an attic, utilize it! Efficiency is the name of thisgame.Flooring: Unless your favorite color is drab grey, most concretefloors need a makeover. Your garage designs should include a coatedfloor. This not only improves the overall appearance, but spillsare easily wiped up. By the way, if drab grey is your favoritecolor, at least seal the concrete with a clear sealer.Entertainment: Your designs aren't complete yet. Now we'retalking fun stuff! As a true garage dweller, I consider these to bemy most important tools. They calibrate my mood. A decent stereoand speakers are paramount! Trash that Dewalt radio! Don't forgetthe big screen with the surround sound. Often times, it's the onlyTV I'm able to wrestle away from my family. Don't think of this asa major expense.
Home Living Furniture Design 1.1
Lucent Beam
HallwayDesigning a powerful and impressive front entrance and hallwaysets the tone for the remainder of the house. The hallway needs tonot only be both functional to greet guests and store belongingsbut also aesthetically pleasing. Traditionally, a hallway is asmall and narrow space that requires a discerning eye to designboth functionally and pleasing. Luckily, a boring and impracticalhallway can be redesigned with simple and inexpensive homeimprovement projects.To turn a poorly designed hallway into a practical and livablespace thought must first be given to storage. Partitioning an areaof the hallway for storing coats and jackets is a necessity byeither constructing a small closet or using an armoire. For crampedor small spaces, a full-length mirror can be hung to increase thevisual appeal of the room and its perceived size. Additionally, asmall desk or chest can be used to store car keys, umbrellas,scarves and hats.To create a warm and inviting atmosphere, choose artificiallighting to illuminate the hallway. Choose diffused lights thatcast a softer glare and less of a shadow on pieces offurniture.Living RoomIn many homes, the living room is the most important space ofthe house as it is where families relax, dine and entertain. Tomake the room comfortable it is best imperative to divide the roominto functional spaces. For example, the window is the ideallocation for a relaxing sitting area. This zone can be furtherdefined with a comfortable sofa, relaxing chairs, a coffee tableand a television.The dining area of the living room can be created closet to thedoor that leads to the kitchen. The space can be defined with anelegant dining table, chairs and a chandelier. When choosingfurniture one must consider the size and décor of the room.Traditionally, the smaller the home the smaller the furnitureshould be and vice versa for a larger house.After embarking on a home improvement project ensure that thequality of work is up to par by checking for any safety hazards.Furniture should not be blocking any exits and shelves, picturesand posters need to be properly applied to the wall with studs andnails to prevent injury.BedroomThe bedroom is the most important room of the house and needs tobe placed in the quietest and most isolated part of the home. Abedroom represents a location for healthy sleep and a place forrelaxation. Consequently, the room should be designed with thehomeowner's personal preferences and desires in mind. The largerthe bedroom the larger the bed should be; however, for smallerrooms the bed might need to be adjusted to fit properly.For many homeowners, the closet may be the most important partof the bedroom and can be either freestanding or walk-in. A walk-incloset can be one of the best home improvement projects as it is agreat way to build equity in the home. Today, many homebuyers wanthouses with large walk-in closets and having one can make thedifference between a quick sale and a house sitting on the marketfor several months.NurseyMost importantly, a nursery needs to be designed with safety asthe first priority. Ensure that electrical outlets are baby proofand that nothing in the room could cause a safety hazard to thechild. The specific design of the room will depend on the age andsex of the child; however, common themes can include sports,princesses, dancing, vehicles and more.The furniture chosen for the room is also age dependent withyounger babies require a crib. The crib should have high enoughrails that the baby cannot climb out of and hurt themselves whilestill providing a great night of sleep. Older children can opt forslightly larger beds that have movable mesh that makes changing thesheets an easy process.Tables and/or desks for school-age children or for playtime makea great addition to any kid's bedroom. Additionally shelves can beinstalled to store books, toys and other items.
Home Styles Furniture Design 1.1
Lucent Beam
Installing a right kind of furniture in yournewly designed home office is an important decision. This primarilydepends on choosing a space where you can run your officeseparately and properly. The installation of anexclusively-designed furniture will be your next vital step. Thereare different home office furniture ideas available to help youmake your dream come true. However, you need to take severalimperative factors into account before making your final choice.StyleA home office with a stylish furniture is always a good choiceto work. Most individuals and businesses now want to installcontemporary office furniture in order to motivate their employeesand create a complete professional environment. You are alwaysrecommended to choose a style of furniture that will meet the typeof your business.Desk FurnitureThe most functional home office furniture is an L-shaped deskwith a hutch over one of the sides. These furniture items are usedto provide you with enough space to use your computer, and printerwhile leaving space for performing other vital tasks. With thepresence of a hutch that offers a considerable storage space,accessing to your important files and documents becomes soconvenient. They can be installed in any ways as per your needs.You can install them in the corner or next to a wall.Chair FurnitureErgonomically-designed chair furniture is in great demand inmost business entities. They are comfortable and functional andequipped with all the possible advanced features. This furnitureincorporates an adjustable mesh backrest and an adjustable swivelseat that makes them a smart choice of many. They also come withneck rest and armrests and wheels as well. This is why they areconsidered as a perfect option when it comes to providing anunmatched back support. Most chair furniture is made with the helpof leather upholstery material. There are many businesses whoprefer to use the fabric upholstery. They are a wonderful choice,especially in the sizzling summer season.Storage Cabinet & FurnitureHome office furniture also requires the installation ofattractively-designed chest of drawers. Being sold with a gang lockfor various security purposes, these furniture items are bestsuited under the desk.Like many other business establishments, you should also need tobuy a bookcase with open shelves. They provide users with the muchsufficient storage space, while adorning your workplacebeautifully. Purchasing a filing cabinet is a worthy decision foryou. Just know your storage needs, and buy the product that willmeet your needs the most. These furniture items are available witha powerful locking system. So, with these products, you are sure toprovide your valuables with the unmatched protection.Meeting Area FurnitureIt is common to meet your clients in your home office. Mostcorporate entities opt for choosing one side of the L-shaped deskfurniture. The market includes a huge number of home officefurniture options for your meeting area. There are many who alsouse a set of two visitor chairs in front of it. On the contrary, acompact round table with availability of three or four chairsaround it is also a wonderful option for these businesses.Think of oak, walnut, cherry and myrtle veneers, carefullyapplied to a solid wood base with the natural wood patternscarefully matched, mixing form and function with old world designmeeting the needs of the new world office. Stylish, yet functionaland practical, offering a beautifully matched blend of the old andthe new, fine home office furniture offers an office of which youcan be proud.In the modern world, the home office is an essential part of theliving space, but one where function tends to win over design whenin fact there is no need for this competition. It is perfectlyfeasible to have a well designed home office with good leatherfurniture that is comfortable to sit on while carrying out yourwork.
Bunk Bed Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
When it is time to move your little boy to hisown sleeping space, you can choose a bunk bed, so he can sleepalone and at the same time feel the presence and through it, thereassurance of an older sibling. Another big advantage of the bunkbed is that you get to conserve a lot of space in the kid's room.You don't have to put in a separate bed to accommodate thesecond/third child. Bunk beds make the room look attractive andexciting. When you consider decorating the kid's room, you can askthem how they want their room to be designed. They might have somereally weird and funny ideas, but designing it the way they like itwill encourage them to sleep in their own room without any issues.If you find their ideas too absurd or impractical you could helpthem choose a workable theme; a theme they will love and becomfortable with. There are a number of options when it comes tochoosing a bunk bed design.You can add a theme to your boy's room décor. A custom-madepirate theme bed is the most favorable choice among 5-6 year olds.They love the slide, the rock wall, the artificial trees and thejungle hideaway look that accompanies it. You can add manyaccessories in the same theme to the pirate bunk bed and use therest of the space for storing your kid's things. If your childwants a different theme to adorn his room, you could try the lodgecabin theme room or camping room theme.A lodge cabin theme can be used for kids who love camping stylestents; you can add in a few stuffed animals like squirrels,porcupines, elks and moose to complete the look. You can transformthe room with appropriate furniture that goes with this particulartheme; like branches instead of a curtain rod, bear skin rug, tablelamps with animal shapes and so on.The camping room can be made really exciting by adding bugs,spiders and critters. You can add in some stuffed pets and dogs tomake the room really adventurous. But do this only afterconsultation with your boy; you don't want to scare him in themiddle of the night. Other themes popular among young boys arerustic log style bunks, fun-based bunks, jungle theme and summercamp theme bunks.When you choose bunk beds, it is very important that youconsider the length between the beds. If a child laying in thelower bed needs a lot of sitting room, then the bed should allowfor that. There are several creative solutions to suit a child'svarying needs. You could choose bunk beds that have drawers, desksand dressers attached to them. You don't have to worry about maxingout your credit because all of these are available at rock bottomprices, especially if you get them during a special discountsale.1) Use hard wood material - When choosing wood buildingmaterial, always go for the hardwood option such as maple, oak andcherry wood. The wood material is more resistant to impact andscratches hence it will last longer.2) Use standard bed size design - When you are making the bedframe, always choose a standard bed size measurement. Find out whatis the dimension of bed mattresses you will be using before youbegin the construction of the bunk bed.3) Barrier for upper bed - If you are making a bunk bed for yourkids, it is a good idea to make side barriers for the upper bed.This is a safety feature to prevent your kid from rolling off thebed when sleeping.4) Keeping the frame tight - This is essential when making awooden frame. Make sure all the joints are tight. Loose connectionwill create creaking and movement that will affect the integrity ofthe entire support frame.5) Use only new varnish - When applying varnish on the wood, useonly new varnish. Varnish that has been used several times maycontain hardened lumps formed around the sides and rim of thecontainer. The lumps can be quite unsightly if it were to get onthe wood surface.
Home Living Furniture Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
What makes designers what they are? What makesthem decide on a particular décor, a certain furniture, thiscarpet, that coffee table? And, most importantly, what makes theirinterior designs different from any ordinary housewife simplytrying to create a home out of a house?Like any field of expertise, interior designing and the feat ofchoosing furniture for your home require basic principles.Fortunately for the clueless housewife, she doesn't have to besecret rocket scientists and she doesn't need to rush to thenearest university for a crash course in interior designing. Thesebasic principles, tips and guides are as easy as 1-2-3.UnityUnity simply means having the same motif, the same theme for aparticular room in your home. For example, while trying toredecorate your living room, you decide to go with a Victorianstyle with the color scheme burgundy. In selecting furniture,carpets, paintings and other décor for your Victorian living room,make sure that they fit perfectly into the Victorian look. Go forplush couches with intricately carved wooden arm rests. Go forsimilarly-toned curtain tassels that matches thick curtains withelaborate designs. A minimalist glass coffee table or anirregularly-shaped corner lounge chair made of metal in bright bluecolor simply will not do in a Victorian living room. Unity ofdesign means all items, all furniture in the room are pulledtogether and unified by a single theme.Balance and ProportionOne very important element of Aesthetics and Western design isbalance or proportion. This element simply means that items in aroom must be well-distributed or equally and strategically placedall over the room. Avoid over-crowding one area of the room andleaving another area barren to the eyes. A good room with properbalance and proportion should have symmetry. Symmetry creates afeeling of serenity and stability in the room.Any person can create a lovely home. With the help of these twobasic elements in designing, anyone can choose a furniture designwithout fear of it being out of place in your new home. If you onlystick to a design suited to your personality and follow these twoabove elements, nothing can go wrong. Choosing furniture designsaccording to your taste but tailoring it around these two elementswill definitely make your new home a reflection of yourpersonality.Home is where the heart is, and it should be a place that isyour haven, your personal space of comfort and security. With theright living room design this is certainly something that you caneasily accomplish. While we all have different tastes and styleinterests, that doesn't mean that you cannot easily create abeautiful home.What's your Style?The furniture design that is chosen is the most important factorin creating the ambiance that you desire at your home. The chosenpieces should reflect the colors and the styles that you like.Remember, once you've chosen the furniture design you must keepcolor-coordinated to ensure the living room looks its absolutebest. Warm colors are best suited for the living room, which caninclude red, gold, orange and yellow.Before you begin the process of designing your living room it isimportant that you have some sort of idea of what you're lookingfor. Are you looking for a living room that speaks in high value ordo you prefer something comfortable and quaint? Do you like modernstyles or prefer the tried and true styles of yesterday? Onceyou've decided this you can continue on to making the actualselection.Find your InspirationChoosing the best living room design is much easier when youhave inspiration. Since there are so many possibilities and so manycreations possible, you can easily lose yourself in the choices.Rather than allow this to happen, turn to the many sources that canhelp make the process easier. This includes interior designers,style guide books and of course the Internet.
Garnishing Foods Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
On The PlateSmaller is Better- Take a cue from fancy restaurants and createsmaller, more elegant portions. Slice vegetables like bell peppersinto thin strips. Use plates with a smaller basin for food, but alarger rim to create the illusion of a larger portion. Arrange thefood vertically or fan it outward from the center for more artisticarrangements.Garnish- While this may seem obvious, only decorate with ediblefood. You want people's taste buds to respond to everything on theplate. Moreover, the garnish should correspond to predominantflavors in the dish. Garnish with sprigs of rosemary for a chickendish with rosemary in it.Sprinkle- If a food looks boring, sprinkle on some fresh choppedherbs, nuts, or finely chopped vegetables.Squeeze Bottles- Forget the ladle! The big thing with sauces rightnow is to paint and drizzle designs over your food with a squeezebottle. Drizzle thin lines of teriyaki sauce back and forth overdumplings, for example.Curls, Roses, and other Edible AccoutrementsButter Curls/RosettesCarrots- Use a vegetable peeler to cut strips of carrot, rolleach into a spiral, and secure with a toothpick. Submerge in icewater for several hours and the carrot strip will remain curledafter removing the toothpick.Cherry Tomatoes- To create a cherry tomato flower, cut a small X onthe blossom side of a cherry tomato. Partially peel back the tomatoskin in the four sections with a sharp knife to make fourpetals.Cucumber/Zucchini- Create fluting along a cucumber or zucchinislice with a fork.Green Onions- For green onion "brushes," cut the roots and most ofthe top portion from a green onion and make several cuts at bothends to produce a fringe. After being submerged in ice water for acouple hours, the onion ends will curl back like brushes.Radish- Slice small triangles all around the radish and peelback the red skin to create flower petals. Or, make several cutsradiating out from the top center of the radish, soak in coldwater, and the radish will "open" on its own. For a cute and simpletrick, slice the radish very thin and use the round slices aspetals for a flat flower.Chocolate- Let a bar of chocolate come to room temperature andcarefully draw a vegetable peeler along the bar to create longcurling strips. Use the narrow side to create thin curls and thebroad side to make bigger curls. To make chocolate leaves, findsome nontoxic, broad leaves such as mint, rose, or lemon. Brushmelted semi-sweet chocolate on the underside of the leaves, wipingoff any that runs to the front of the leaves. Repeat layers ofchocolate to make sturdier leaves. Place chocolate leaves,chocolate side up, on a baking sheet lined with wax paper, andfreeze until hard. Then, simply peel away the real leaf from thechocolate leaf.Fruit- Make strawberry fans with stemmed strawberries. Simply cutmany, small slices into the strawberry almost to the green stem butnot quite through and then fan out the strawberry. Or for an easiertrick, brush fresh fruit with a mixture of water and meringuepowder, and then immediately sprinkle with (granulated) sugar for afrosted look.Sugar- Powdered sugar (or cocoa powder) can easily create designson top of brownies or a cake. Cut out a design from a piece ofsturdy paper, such as swirls or stars, and then lay the piece ofpaper over the dessert. Sift the powder on top and then carefullyremove the paper. Voila!
Home Wallpaper Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
Believe it or not, wallpaper in the home hasbeen making a major comeback. Wallpaper was once a hot commodity -back in the 60s and 70s - but became less popular in the 80s and90s. It wasn't until recently that homeowners and interiordecorators started to recognize the value of wallpaper once again -and that is largely because it has come a long way over the past 50years or so. In fact, it is nothing like the wallpaper you rememberhanging on the walls in your grandma's house. Today's homewallpaper is chic, trendy, vibrant, and a great addition to anyhome.Where to Use Home WallpaperWallpaper can be used in any room of your home. In fact, in awell-designed home décor, you will use a variety of different walltreatments. This includes using a variety of different paints andwallpapers throughout the home. By varying the wall treatments, youcan create more interest in your design while giving the space morepersonality.Wallpaper is particularly useful when trying to create amasculine look, such as in a den. Plaid wallpaper or types with apaisley design, for example, creates a rich, masculine look andprovides a level of depth and dimension that cannot be achievedwith flat paint.Using Wallpaper in Your DécorNot only do today's wallpaper designs look amazing, wallpaper isalso very easy to use. While the traditional glue-and-pastewallpaper is still an option, there are new designs that make iteven easier to cover your walls with stylish designs. In fact, youcan get wallpaper that simply peels on and off the wall asneeded.This simplified wallpaper is made with nonwoven, breathablematerials. As a result, the backing is permeable and air andmoisture can move easily through the material. This means the papermaintains approximately 95% of its glue and peels off in fullsheets. So, when you are ready for a new look, you can easily pullthe paper off and wash down the walls before applying a differentwall treatment.If you are afraid of messing up the pattern, many of today'swallpaper designs contain "match points." These marks are printeddirectly on the paper so you can easily line up the design. Then,once it is in place, you simply wash the marks away with water.Exploring New Wallpaper DesignsOne of the most exciting characteristics of wallpaper is thefact that there are so many designs to choose from. In fact,wallpaper doesn't have to be simply about repeating a certainpattern. Mural wall coverings, for example, allow you to create abeautiful or intriguing scene on your wall. Or, you might choose toincorporate textured wall coverings into your décor. From animaltextures to grass cloth designs, the possibilities are endless. Youcan even find designs made with fake fur, feathers, and gypsumrock. You can also create a very unique and delicate look withhandmade wallpaper designs.Wallpaper has changed dramatically over the last several years.In order to create a fresh and interesting look in your home décor,wallpapering should certainly be incorporated in some way.Be very careful of crazy wallpaper designs and funky wallpaperdesigns that may seem like a good fit for your home upon firstimpressions- you are likely to regret your choice once the noveltyvalue wears off. The same goes for overly gaudy designs that mayremind you of a more carefree period in history or your own life.Unless you truly like such designs, it's better to go for somethingmore conservative and tasteful. That's not to say that some of thevintage wallpaper designs out there wouldn't work- gaudiness can bea virtue if done right. Unfortunately, it rarely is and it can be achallenge to find something that would work in your home.Simple, solid colors can work great and create a more dramaticeffect than many wallpapers. Red wallpaper designs are often usedto create an energy in a room, but be careful not to overdo it asno one wants to feel "fiery" all the time, especially in a roommeant for relaxing.
Bedroom Window Treatment 1.1
Lucent Beam
How you dress your windows is an importantpiece of your overall design and a lot of thought should go intothe style and fabric used for your bedroom window treatments.How do you know which window treatment is right in yourbedroom?There are 3 basic types of window treatments that can be usedalone or in combinations. Here's some tips on these basic types andwhat style of room you might choose them for.Curtains and DrapesCurtains and drapes are a style of window treatment that most ofus can recognize but there's many variations on this old standby.If your bedroom design is simple, you might choose just plainsheers as these will go well with many themes including a romantictheme, a modern theme and anything in between.Valances can be used to soften the top of the window. They aregreat if you don't want to cover up a great view but also don'twant the window to look too bare. Typically valances are made fromfabric but you can build them form wood and decorate them with anaged or stencilled paint to go with your Tuscan or French countrydesign. Fabric valances can go with almost any bedroom decoratingtheme depending on the fabric you choose and can be used inconjunction with sheers to give you a bit of privacy.Drapes are an elegant bedroom window treatment. If you have aromantic, French or Victorian theme some heavy drapes in richfabrics can transform your bedroom into one fit for a queen. Heavydrapes look best on tall windows, but if you short squatty windowslike most homes built in the 60's - 80's don't let that deter youfrom using great drapes. You can always just keep them closed tohide the window behind and no one will ever know thedifference!Wooden Shutters and BlindsIndoor wooden window blinds are a great way to add privacy toyour bedroom and can be used alone or with curtains, drapes orvalances.There are 2 styles of shutters - plantation shutters and caféshutters.Plantation shutters cover the whole window and have louverswhich can be opened and closed to let light in or provide privacy.These shutters go great with a plantation style look, a countrylook or a coastal cottage look.The café shutters are the kind that cover only the bottom halfof the window and swing open to let light in. These also look nicein a country or beach style bedroom and are perfect for a Parisapartment style as well.Fabric BlindsFabric blinds add a nice touch to any bedroom and can bedecorated and embellished with whatever you want. Fringe, pom-pomsand ribbon are just a few of the great ways to make these bedroomwindow treatments stand out.Roman blinds work well for childrens rooms and informal stylessuch as cottage or beach style decor. These shades fold up toexpose the window during the day and roll down at night.Festoon blinds are puffy with lots of fabric. They are quiteornate and work best in a romantic style bedroom such as aVictorian, French or Italian motif. Festoon blinds look best onwide windows and might not be good for small rooms as they can tendto be a bit overwhelming.Shades are one of the most popular window treatments as theygive off a clean and orderly look to a bedroom. There are plenty oftypes to choose from when choosing shades, like the roller types,Venetian, and Roman. They are easy to clean and take out so mostpeople prefer using this treatment than curtains or drapes.If you are thinking that your room gets a lot of natural lightfrom the outside, you should choose shades with dark linings onthem. They are very effective in blocking out excess sunlight tomake your room more comfortable.Before you do any remodeling, be sure to check out software suchas Plan3D to check the designs that you are considering. This willhelp you in visualizing the design you want for your bedroom beforeyou make any drastic changes to it, in terms of getting new windowtreatments, wallpapers or flooring.
Exterior Windows Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
Exterior window shades are indeed a verydifferent breed of quality yet cheap window blinds altogether. Theyare used commonly on the external side of your windows and arepractical yet not expense if you choose the right type of blinds.Most at mounted on the external side of the windows with a fixedframe or and they come with either fixed or movable louvers or fullslabs. They are suitable for most low rise buildings.They are designed and made of many types of materials used byconventional window blinds but there are a few factors you need totake note when choosing the right materials. If you reside in thetropics or more sunny regions of the globe, you might prefer vinylor synthetic composite materials which are more heat enduring.Conversely, wood materials may not be able to withstand the intenseexternal heat. Exterior vinyl shutters are hence one of the mostcommon and fast becoming popular shades for exterior window decor.They come with extensive variety of designs and colors to prep upthe external look of your home.The unique features of exterior window shades include energyefficiency as well and a neat ambiance. Best at energy efficiency,they are the most effective blackout blocking away the heat,thereby reducing air conditioning usage. Blocking away the sun iscritical for those who keep late nights and love to sleep in. Theseshades are capable of filtering away about 95 percent of harmfulultraviolet waves.As the name implies, they are installed outside of the home, onthe external side of the window. This leaves the interior of thehome in a clean and uncluttered state, keeping the cords and thickdraperies out of sight, also ensuring home safety.Exterior window shades meet not only sun and heat control butalso exterior decorating needs fulfilling the unique purpose ofbeing cost effective, providing quality yet cheap window blindswhich last over time.Every detail in the house matters. The outer appearance of thehouse is equally important as the internal appearance. Exteriorwindow shutters are great additions to your home's overall look.Many people are fond of decorating their own homes. Some even hirea specialist to make their houses look spectacular. Other people dothe designing themselves to add a more personal touch to theirhomes. Exteror window shutters are a popular choice of most homeowners when it comes to adding a certain kind of style to theirhomes. These window treatments could make your house even moreattractive, most especially if you choose the right kind of styleand color that will match the theme you have in mind.There are different kinds of exterior window shutters that youcan choose from. Though there are various styles of windowshutters, most people would prefer those that are made of wood.Before you start rushing to purchase your very own exterior windowshutters, it would be great if you could learn something about themfirst. Perhaps you could initially search various styles and colorsof shutters, compare them to each other, and choose which would gobest with your own home.As mentioned earlier, there are various kinds of exterior windowshutters that you could choose from. Aside from colors and style,the quality and price should also be included with your criteriafor choosing. Synthetic models of exterior shutters would be thebest choice for you if you are looking for an inexpensive option.Aside from this, plastic made shutters also come cheap. These areboth easily available in hardware stores and many retail shops. Youcan still get the kind of 'look' you are going for without havingto shell out large amounts of cash.Another type of is made of vinyl. These shutters, like thosemade of plastic, are cheaper compared to wooden shutters. These arealso known to be fire resistant, that they can insulate heat bettercompared to other types of shutters.
Home Bar Furniture Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
If you are really interested to through anentertaining party and amuse your guests, no other furniture willfit in your except bar furniture especially designed for homes.This will provide you a complete entertainment area and gives you arelaxing atmosphere to enjoy in. the main thing is to get the bestfurniture that complements your place.The first thing to keep in mind is to shop the type of barfurniture which you are really interested to buy. If you don't havea bar at your place, it is the best time to set one. Most of thepeople think to have a built-in bar in their home, but if it is notbuilt in the home, you can get one for you place in less thantwo-thousand dollars. A complete bar will have special stools,storage for liquors, barware drawers and extra storage space with acounter.Now after setting a bar at your place, it is the time to get thestylish bar furniture. Now it is up to you how you can set your,either with just bar stools or with the complete stools and pubtables positioned all over your bar area. If you are interested tothrough a big entertaining party with number of guest invited atyour place, then you would need to get set of stools and tableswhich will accommodate youNow after setting a bar at your place, it is the time to get thestylish bar furniture. Now it is up to you how you can set your,either with just bar stools or with the complete stools and pubtables positioned all over your bar area. If you are interested tothrough a big entertaining party with number of guest invited atyour place, then you would need to get set of stools and tableswhich will accommodate youPerhaps the road most traveled when incorporating a home barinto the interior design is to have one custom built into the roomitself. The wood, color and style perfectly match the otherarchitectural details with seamless transitions so that it blendsinto the surroundings. In a large space you might have to lookaround a bit to notice it. Just as elegant as the rest of the room,they are truly beautiful. Many strive for this and will say that isthe whole point. Pretty hard to argue with. But ...Why not follow a different path and let your luxurious bar makea statement. As well as being functional, it can serve as a pieceof art or sculpture which will draw your eyes towards it. Have yourbar attract attention and be the focal point rather than blendingin. Choose a bar that will illicit a reaction from you and yourguests each time the room is entered. A collection piece whichsparks conversation and becomes a part of your family heirlooms. Inwhat may be deemed the road less traveled, try exploring thefollowing ideas and creative possibilities:- Create a cove in the middle of one wall which architecturallyflows with the room and situate your bar in front on display as afunctional sculpture.- Pursue a similar approach with the room's corner. Both ofthese scenarios allow architecturally designed in back / side barsand display areas to provide continuity and added convenience whileshowcasing the artisan details in your main bar.- Maintain the same design details and style while transitioningto the bar area with different wood or stain choices.
House Door Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
When you're buying a new house or refurnishingand remodeling an older one, there are plenty of things toconsider-what color you'd like to paint your walls, whether youneed to replace your insulation, how to seal corners and edges sothat they don't get dirty, whether to replace the floor or add newsections.One aspect that many people don't consider, however, is thedoors inside the home.Why are house doors so important? Well, they are used very, veryoften without us even realizing it. If we have an annoying doorwhose lock is broken, it bothers us when we're going to therestroom or trying to find some solace in our own room.Doors can be bothersome if they are too heavy, difficult toopen, or easily jammed, so plenty of consideration must be givenfor the type of house doors you want and the way in which youinstall them.One of the major doors in the house is the exterior door. Thismay be your front door, side door, garage door, or patio door, andare visible from the outside.Exterior house doors give visitors a first impression of thestate of your home, so it's nice if your exterior house doors matchyour outside walls and look fairly solid. Solid-looking doors alsofend off thieves.If you are looking for a wood door, be sure to pay attention tothe type of wood and the finish done on it; higher quality woodsand finishes will preserve the life of your door. Thicker and widerstiles and rails generally indicate a better, sturdier door, andmake sure that your door includes seals to fend off badweather.Glass doors are also usable for exterior house doors if they arehighly resistant to shattering or breakage (such as thePease-Shield glass by Pease Industries). Good quality steel andfiberglass doors include a thermal break (a layer of insulation)that keeps the cold from outside from getting indoors through theframe.If you live in a cold area and are considering a fiberglass orsteel door, it is necessary to get one with insulation, else frostmay form on the inside of the door in the wintertime, making itfreezing to the touch.Regarding interior house doors, many types and sizes exist.Conventionally, there are four major types of interior doors-thefolding door, the bypass, the pocket door, and the conventionalhinged door.Folding doors are commonly used where conventional swingingdoors are unable to be used-for instance, in small spaces or forlarger closets with shelves that would block a swinging door.Folding doors work like a fan to expand and fold.Bypass doors are usually used for closets and storage places andusually hang from rollers and slide to the side in order to open.These are usually in sets of two or three and pass each other inorder to open. Pocket doors also slide, but there is usually onlyone door, and it slides into a "pocket" in the wall.When deciding what type of door you want, be sure to considerthe function, as well as aesthetics.Looking for a new door? Whether it's your front door or door youintend to have inside your home, sometimes everyday style isn'twhat you want.Doors don't have to be flat. They don't have to bemulti-paneled. Doors can be crafted in any number of ways. Do asimple search of door designs online and you will see a plethora ofstunning doors from all cultures, all walks of life, all across theglobe. Doors can be plain and utilitarian. They can be amazinglyornate and covered with carvings and embellishments. Doors can bedone in plain wood and stained to retain their natural color. Theycan be painted bold colors that pop out from the rest of the housein order to really draw in the visitor's eye. So what kind of doorare you looking for?Most of the time when you seek out a door, you will see many ofthe same things. Not necessarily that all doors are the same, butrather you will see many of the same styles.
Country House Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
A country style design of the house bringsmakes it more cozy. It gives a rustic, simple and conventional feelto your lovely home. As your guests enter your household, they willsee that it's very welcoming, friendly, surreal and unpretentious.You can have it country from your gate to the kitchen and backyard.The kitchen would require you much time and effort to design itbecause it is the heart of every home. You can add one or twoFrench door refrigerators. Your counter tops can be placed withceramic tiles, slate or marble. You could even choose some handpainted tiles.The dining room can be one of the most frequented parts of thehouse that people gather. It is where you get to have your familydinner. You get to enjoy a good meal with added long talks andlaughter. You can even entertain your guests here. Try opting for alarge rectangular table. This table can be made of the sturdiestwood in the market. It could be made of mahogany, pine, walnut andoak. Your chairs and benches could also be made of the samematerial as that of your table. In order for your dining area notto look blunt, you can put a corner cupboard or better yet, a platerack or sideboard. This will not only be for aesthetic purpose butfor storage purposes as well.As for your bathroom, it should have neutral colors and tones. Acolor beige or mint green would be perfect. Go for antique lookinglighting. A pin light with a color yellow tint would be nice. Youcan head to a flea market and purchase an antique reproductioncabinet. It would be elegant for your bathroom.There may be a lot of costly appliances and furniture you haveto buy. Some of which would be the French door refrigerators, clawfoot tubs, sofa, beds with a good cushion and more wooden cabinets.Pulling off this look may be costly but definitely a goodinvestment.There comes a time in many people's lives in which for reasonsof health, kids, or stress they realize it's time to leave thecity. Country house plans typically reflect antebellum SouthernAmerican architectural styles. The centerpiece of most countryhouses is the wide front porch covered by a flared roof, and alsoroof dormers to let light into living and dining areas. Ourcatalogue of designs includes every size and every style of countryhome, from bungalow house plans to French country house plans, withinnovative and functional blueprints for every budget and taste.Besides complete house blueprints, House Plans and More offers youplans and ideas for hundreds of country building projects such asgarage, shed, and outbuilding plans, as well as other projects. Howcan you tell if a house plan will be the right one for you? Afterall, this is a decision you will probably make but once in yourlife. In most cases, budget decides the limits on what you will beable to build. Building cost is a direct function of where in theU.S. or Canada you are building; and also varies with size insquare feet. Additionally, it is more economical to build higherrather than wider, since this reduces the costs of foundations androofing. Our cost estimation software, which is the most accuratein the industry, can help you calculate final building costs easilyand quickly for any chosen design.Having estimated about how much you can spend, search ourdatabase for country houses in your price range. You can nowseriously consider what you want your house to look and feel like.You will not only live in this home, you may grow old there. Itcan't be too outrageously different from neighboring house designs.Also, if you already own the site, you have to take the features ofthe land into account (slopes, existing rocks and trees, etc.).Design also has to imagine how you want the house to face,depending on the views available to different rooms, and sunrise /sunset positions.
Bedroom Door Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
Bedroom doors are what enclose you at nightsafe and secure inside and what takes you out in to light and theworld around you in the morning. Obviously, you would want to addan extra touch to the door, especially since bedrooms symboliseromance and love if you are in a relationship and security andprotection if you are single.Whether you are a person who consider your bedroom just a placeto rest and sleep or for whom bedroom is a place that holdsunlimited possibilities of dreams and day dreams, what you need incommon is a strong door to keep you safe and private. Whileinstalling bedroom doors there are a few factors that you need tokeep in mind.First and foremost, the door has to be strong and of durablematerial. Doors come in steel, wood, vinyl, glass, plastic, etc.Consider the environment before buying the door. Similarly, try tofind the material with which the remaining furniture in your houseis made of.Bedroom doors come in all different patterns and colours. Youcould get the door in the colour of bedroom walls to match or gofor the wooden one which would go with all colours. Or, if you arecareful about money you could go for plastic doors and paint itwith wood colours of different shades like cider pear, cherry,light oak or maple.While deciding on the look of the door also you need to checkwhether you need the modern or contemporary look. Accordingly, youneed to select the door handles and latches. Traditional handlesand latches might be a little more ornamental than the modern ones.You could check out the bedroom doors of some of your friends alsobefore purchasing one. Checking out some magazines on interiors andhome decors and browsing websites on the same topic also would helpyou take an informed decision.A beautiful bedroom adequately decorated can make your day.Bedroom door is also a part of the bedroom decor. Make a goodchoice in bedroom doors and enjoy a good bedroom.Your home is a place where you will certainly spend some time.The bedroom is a place you are going to end up in no matter what.Since it is a room you will spend a lot of time in, it is a goodidea to make sure that you are able to get the kinds of accentsthat you want to in it. This is why when you are thinking aboutinstalling bedroom sliding doors, it is a good idea to make surethat you are installing the right door from the right supplier.There are a few different things to pay attention to wheneveryou are purchasing bedroom sliding wardrobes. First, consider themodels available from the suppliers. You should also considerwhether you are installing the door yourself or not. This will helpyou to get the door that you want as well as to make sure that itcan be installed correctly. It is important to take your timebecause not all doors are built the same. The choosier you are, themore likely it is that you will be able to get the look that youwant to have in your home.Choosing by ModelJust like whenever you buy furniture for your home, you want tohave the right kind of look for your home. This is why it isimportant that you are choosing the model which looks great in yourhome. Look for the sliding bedroom doors which have the mirror thatyou want or the contemporary look that you want to have. In manycases, you can buy these direct from the manufacturer. Make surethat you have a design in mind before going shopping, but have anopen mind as you may discover a door which you never even knewexisted.Installing Yourself versus Contractor InstallWhenever you are installing anything in the interiors of yourhome, it is a good idea to think about how it will be installed.You can find contemporary models for sale which may be toodifficult for you to be able to install all on your own. This iswhen you might want to turn to a contractor for help.
Home Exterior Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
Are you tired of the exterior design of yourhouse? I recommend you to make a plan for renovation. Make thedesign before you do the renovation of your house. The simplestform of renovation is the paint renovation. You need to apply newpaint for very few years to keep the house look nice. Even thoughyou do not have a luxurious house, you can still make your houselook nice by having the simplest renovation.Vinyl siding can be considered if you are planning forrenovation. It is very durable, neat, and long-lasting. Vinylsiding is available in affordable price. Choose the best color thatcan make your house looks great.Planning to have a unique house is good but you have to considerwhether the color is appropriate or not. Look at the other homesbefore you re-paint your house. Never over do the paint becauseyour house might look weird. For instance, shocking pink color willmake your house stand out of the other houses. If your house ispainted in neutral color, you can re-paint it with light or darkercolor. Choose soft color to keep the balance. You can also makeshades for outstanding house.Match the color of every element in your house. You can avoidjarring image by matching the color. Never add contrasting color tokeep the color balance. Exception can be made if you are inlow-budget. You can make some tricks to solve this problem. If youcannot change the old unit with the new one that has the similarcolor, you can simply paint it to the nearest color scheme. Othertrick is by adding another unit that has the similar color.If you have an old house, you can choose the color scheme thatgoes along with the architecture. Take color sample for easiercolor fitting. You can hire professional to do this job because oldhouse exterior renovation is kind of hard to be done bybeginner.The principles of feng shui may not only be applied to areasinside of the house. For your patio or other outside parts of yourproperty, there are a few standard ideas that relate to the Chinesesystem of feng shui.Choose the location. There are four locations which arerecommended for your patio to be built in. One is on the rightcorner at the back of your property. This position is believed tobe related to positive feelings with regards to topics of love aswell as romance. The next position is on the back, but this time onthe left side of the property. For this, the main emphases are onthe owner's finances. The last two locations are on the center ofyour back property or at the whole expanse of it.Organize the place. This can be done by making sure that allunnecessary fixtures or accessories are taken care of. Actually,you don't need feng shui for this tip. A place that is clutter-freewill always look and feel balanced whether with the application ofthe Chinese principle, or not.The most common items that you will need to tidy up in the patioand surrounding places would be garden tools, kid's toys if youhave little kids, and other work materials. Also, these places mayhave lots of fallen leaves or garbage that need to be removed.Free the pathways. One of the most famous assumptions of thisChinese belief is that a place that is free from obstructions andhas unrestricted ways should be maintained to let the positivevibes into the home or into the place.Such obstructions can be in the form of furniture that you havepositioned or of natural pieces like plants or trees. You willeasily take note of these obstructions as, generally, they make thepathway curved rather than one that is free flowing and goesstraight into the middle as well as the end part of the room orspace.Position your furniture correctly. The next principle that youneed to keep in mind is that all furniture should be placed in away that the person sitting on it will have a view of the entranceof the patio. This means that you need to choose outdoor sofas or apatio loveseat that can be positioned towards the entrance.
Bookshelf Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
Shelving for books form a very important partof your house furniture. They are expressly structured to keep yourbooks. There are many bookshelves to pick from in the market, henceyou should think about a few things before you by a given design orbrand. Some of the key traits consist of:How you will want to hold onto the booksThink about whether you want to keep the books flat or verticallyin the shelves. Various bookshelves are designed to allow the booksbe placed vertically while the others horizontally. You can alsofind some which come with adjustable shelves, so that you can workout how to keep your books. Additionally, there are many bookshelfdesigns presently for you to choose from, thus you should not belimited to selecting rectangle-shaped or square shelves.Substance usedYou need to give consideration to whether you need a wooden doorbookshelf or perhaps a glass door entry. The positive aspect of aglass door is that you can view the books right through the glassand the downside is fragility of glass contrasted to wood. Thecomponent used to make the bookshelf should complement with that ofother furniture in your home such as the tables, closets andchairs. If they are made from wood then a wooden bookshelf is theideal purchase. Furthermore, if the tables and chairs are made ofstainless steel then you should purchase a bookshelf made fromcomparable material.Well-being of the booksSince books are important items you should decide whether or notyou want a lockable or an unlockable bookshelf.If you have young children at home, you do not want to see themsnooping out your precious books.Just where you need to place itThis is a significant consideration to make. If you have already adestination where you want place the book shelf, the only issue isto get the book shelf. Do not put it in a concealed place as youmight later on forget about it. Furthermore, do not go for a bigshelf that cannot blend in any part of your house.Cost rangeThis is always the main account when you are purchasing homefurniture. This is usually worked out by the product's quality. Ifyou search in a multitude of stores, you can get bookshelfreasonable enough to suit your budget plan and still be of highquality. When selecting between cost and quality, quality shouldalways come first since a bookshelf is intended to serve you formany seasons to come.Bookshelf wood working plansIn case you want to design and style your own bookshelf, you needto have an effective plan. With the escalated use of the internetthese days, many websites are providing bookshelf woodworkingplans. The plan will show you the appropriate procedure of cuttingthe chunks of wood. You will be offered with detailed expertise ofeach and every piece. Making a bookshelf is one of the most basictasks to undertake if you have an accurate plan. You must bediligent with yourself in order to get ideal results. You needdecent effort and hard work to become an expert woodworker.Design of the corner bookshelfThis is probably the most important aspect to consider whenbuying a new bookshelf. Even though it is placed at a corner, itshould fit in with the rest of the home furniture's design.Usage of the bookshelfIf you are planning to put some books and display items on it,consider getting a simple do it yourself corner bookshelf. However,if other than books, you are going to place the entire set ofencyclopedia and glass ornaments on the book shelves, considergetting a solid wood corner bookshelfMaterial of the corner bookshelfAs mentioned in the corner bookshelf's usage above, the materialplays an important part according to the usage. If you are going toplace heavy items on it. It will be more advisable to look for asolid wood bookshelf which is able to hold the weight of theitems.
Egyptian House Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
Interior designing has a horizon, which goesfurther with every step you take. Meaning, with every count, thenumber of ideas and techniques are increasing. Surprisingly, thereare so many ideas, themes and ways by which one can design theirhouses. There is the country look, the urban look, and theVictorian look. Each look is different and reflects the taste andpersonal preferences of individuals. But rarely anybody thinks ofthe Egyptian look. There are proofs that show that many have spentyears in the study of the Egyptian style and designs, to bringforward, the Egyptian taste as one of the themes.People who share deep interest in interior designing haveconsidered the Egyptian look to be as a creative theme. Theythemselves have studied the Egyptian style to give their houses theEgyptian look. They either consider it to be one theme for theentire house, giving the whole house the feel of a visit to Egypt,or, consider it to be a theme for one of the rooms. Implementingthis theme gives the idea of the taste of the beholder. This themealso works well for the bathroom and the study room.The Egyptian style does not really work for personal work, thatis, houses, but also for commercial and corporate style work too.Some businessmen like to give their offices or cabins the Egyptianlook. Even hotel owners and restaurant owners consider this themeto be an attractive theme over all. Alongside, serving Egyptianmeals. This is a way attractive theme that sure catches extraattention from guests for profitable business.The whole idea of the Egyptian theme revolves around gold,copper and brown shades. This gives the place a royal, 'king like'look with flashes of extravagance and luxury around. Egypt issynonymous with epitaphs, mummies and pyramids. The ancient royallook is like being in the spot light amongst celebrities. It givesa way enriching look and a priceless feeling of owning such aplace.Why the Egyptian theme?An Egyptian design is different on its own. It has a grandeureffect. It requires a lot of detailed and well-oriented designs. AnEgyptian theme will have gold or copper as its prime color becauseof its relevance with the Egyptian dress color and the ancientEgyptian sight. There will be many elements that could beincorporated in the design. For instance, a mirror with detailedengravings and designs as the frame, ancient scripts could becarved out on the walls to give the walls an Egyptian feel. Themystery, the mythology, the magic associated with the Egyptianstyle, presented with dim lights and perfect designs, will create aroom which will never let you run out of words in expressing howgood you feel about this theme.Moroccan interior design colors also can be really interesting.It can work well for restaurants, hotels houses or lounges. Whetherit is for personal or professional reason, this theme will surelydo wonders and keep calling your guests again and again. Thus,creating an everlasting impact on them.Egyptian men used two types of chairs. The first type was madeof wood with a slight curved inwards seat. This design was probablyto make for more comfortable sitting.This type of chair was built with three wooden legs, whichcurved outwards. The chair was of a simple design and purposelybuilt for long term use. It could withstand constant daily roughtreatment. This type of chair could easily be placed in a presentday kitchen, and would not appear out of place.The second type of chair used by Egyptian men had a moreelaborate design. This type of chair had crossed supports and couldbe folded or collapsed for easy carrying.The bottom of the legs of this chair were carved and shaped withgeese heads. Ivory was inlaid to this type of chair. The end resultwas a splendid piece of furniture.
Aluminium Windows Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
You love your window so much that you neverwanted to replace it, ever. You put different designs of curtainsto your window and make it as personal as possible. However, thereare things that we cannot really control. A baseball hit yourwindow and it needs to be replaced as soon as possible. Aluminiumwindows are the perfect remedy for the job.Architects and even home owners all over the world appreciatethe wonders of aluminium windows. Replacement windows are theanswer to our problems without constructing a new window. It isbudget friendly and can save the beauty of your home in a jiffy.Aluminium is open used a material for replacement windows becauseof its ability to resist corrosion, its strength, andconfigurability to increase views. Aluminium windows can be used toreplace almost all windows. There are aluminium replacement windowsfor whatever windows so you do not have a problem if your window,whatever type may be, needs a replacement because there is areplacement window ready to save you. Actually, some of theindustries today use windows made of aluminium as its main windowand not as a replacement window because it offers a lot ofbenefits.There are many advantages in using aluminium windows. One,aluminium as a window is effective in sound proofing your home.Noise abatement is one of the functions of aluminium because it hasmass, which makes it superior from others like Vinyl windows.Another, because of the incredible strength of aluminium, peoplefrom all over the world are able to create many designs out of itand it can surpass the needs of individuals who have unique tastesfor designs. Moreover, aluminium can withstand moisture which is abig advantage over windows made out of wood. Next, it iseconomically friendly because it is less expensive than glasswindows plus it does need to be maintained all the time. Finally,most building owners prefer to use aluminium for their windowsbecause it gives their establishments the look that they are madesolely of glass. A trick which is popularly used by building ownerswhen cutting costs.Nonetheless, every great thing has its little drawbacks. Onedisadvantage of aluminium is that it is poor in defending theinside of the building from hot or cold. However, this can also bemanaged by adding some materials in the aluminium window to make itmore energy efficient. Another, others are still blinded by thethought that the colour of aluminium is boring and it does not givea grand look. The truth is, aluminium can take on any colour andshape because of its durability. It is so versatile it can beplaced in any house and in different house motifs.Choosing Aluminum WindowsAluminum windows are popular choices for many reasons. They aredurable and require little maintenance, and control noise well.They are also very economical and are used in many publicbuildings, including schools and hospitals.Casement WindowsCasement windows are the most common types of aluminum windows.These windows are large-framed and made up of two panes. There areseveral variations, including non-opening casements, where one orboth panes do not open; side-hung casements, meaning that one orboth of the panes do not open; and top-hung casements, which meansthat the bottom pane opens but the top does not.Pivot WindowsPivot windows are often found on buildings and homes with acontemporary design, and are designed to allow the maximum amountof natural light in. This type of window is designed to be openedby releasing the top and bottom latches and pushing outward and canbe single or double-paned.Awning WIndowsAluminum awning windows are single-paned, mid- to large-frame andare designed to swing outward on their hinges. They are a goodchoice for small spaces, and are also frequently grouped togetherwith other window styles to achieve maximum light and designeffect.
Garden Design Decoration Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
Garden design is a feature that the Japaneseperfected long years ago. Garden beauties outside a house alwaysfascinate the people around and create a soothing experience. Thisis the one reason that people are nowadays going with designing andlandscaping. This allows people to get closer with Mother Natureand relax the sunshine with their private area. A garden designalways facilitates the land owners in enhancing the total propertyvalue which can be of greater assistance, especially when peopleare planning to sell their lands. With remarkable designs peoplecan plant various plants and shrubs and can have an inimitablesplash of color in their exteriors.Whether the lawn is curved or straight people can design them ina stylish manner and have a comfortable area to lighten up theirminds. Choosing the right plant for the garden may be a complicatedjob, but can be done very easily. Native plants are the best optionto have in our garden because they are available in the nearbynurseries. Having a splash of colors in the garden area can besimply done by choosing native flowering plants but blossomdifferent colors.Bamboos have always been a great alternative to home owners andare something that can go with the trends changing. In addition tothis people believe that bamboos soak up all the negative energiesin the surrounding and change it into positive energy. Waterfeatures are getting a very well accepted mode of enhancing thelawn area and make look the garden look more elegant. Waterfeatures act as a center of attraction for the guest and the slightharmonizing sound of running water always makes the environmentlively. Many people find designing their lawn difficult anddesigning them with the designer will be the correctalternative.Garden designers design correctly based on the customers needaccording to their budget and the space available. The best way tofind a designer is surfing on the web or asking for reference toour neighbors, family or friends. A good design plan should be themost important element at the beginning of any new garden landscapeprojects. The design should reflect our taste and preference aswell as taking into account our particular space and requirement.Well planned by a skilled garden designer our garden will giveenjoyment and inspiration for years to come.As accessories play an important role in decorating our indoor,they play an important role in decorating our outdoor. Gardenswithout garden accessories look incomplete. Garden designers designgarden with the accessories to look them more beautiful. There area lot of designs with the garden designers that inspires us for ourgarden.Whether a garden is designed by a professional or an amateur,certain principles form the basis of effective garden design,resulting in the creation of gardens to meet the needs, goals anddesires of the users or owners of the gardens.Elements of garden style embrace the layout of arduouslandscape, such as paths, walls, water options, sitting areas anddecking; similarly because the plants themselves, considerately fortheir horticultural requirements, their season-to-season look,lifespan, growth habit, size, speed of growth, and mixing withalternative plants and landscape options.Consideration is additionally given to the upkeep requirementsof the garden, as well as the time or funds out there for normalmaintenance, which might have an effect on the selection of plantsin terms of speed of growth, spreading or self-seeding of theplants, whether or not annual or perennial, and bloom-time, andplenty of alternative characteristics.Important issues in garden design include how garden will beused, the specified rhetorical genre (formal or informal, modern orancient etc.), and therefore the approach the garden area canconnect to the home or alternative structures within theencompassing areas. All of those issues are subject to therestrictions of the prescribed budget.
Garage Apartment Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
Whether you design your apartment garage orhire a contractor to do it for you, there are important factorsthat should be carefully planned ahead of time to avoid regretshould there be any flaws or missing elements to the design. Thefollowing are the things needed in a well-planned design.1. Size of the apartment garage.It is crucial to determine the size of the design for it has along term effect. Too little space inside and there will be no roomfor the things you want to store in your garage. Too large and thecost will be enormous. The size of the garage should be determinedaccording to the plan you have for it. Ask yourself, will thegarage be used solely to house to your vehicle or will it be usedon other purposes?2. Design of the apartment garage.Once you have identified the size of the garage, making a designis your next task. If you do not have the skills to draw your owndesign, there are ready-made designs you can browse online. Somesites offer libraries where you can instantly download the designof your choice and use it as your plan. Most sites that offer freedesign also offer complete instruction on how to construct thedesign of your choice and what tools and material are needed for itto be completed. If you want to make your task, hire the servicesof a contractor or get a construction crew.3. Interior organization design.The size of apartment garage is often limited to the size of theactual structure above or beside it or any available space for it.If this is your problem, plan for a good interior organizationdesign. Use the space efficiently by constructing vertical storageto the walls. Also use retractable tables so that you conserve morespace and minimizing the cost of construction.4. Materials to be used on the construction of the garageapartment.Wood, concrete, and galvanized iron are 3 of the more popularmaterials used in constructing garage apartment. When deciding whatmaterials to use, think of the cost, the overall design, and thematerials readily available near you.5. Building permit.Some areas require building permit to anything that would beerected be it a home extension or a garage apartment. Secure apermit at your local council agency.Having a well-planned garage apartment will make constructioneasy for you and for the crew that will work on it. Prioritize onthis first and you will certainly reduce, if not eliminate theproblems that will occur during construction.With your available garage, you may feel that you require somemore space for your storage requirements. There are a number ofplans that ensure that whatever you need is catered for. The designvaries and come in various sizes that can combine many featuresthat are essential for normal living.In ordinary circumstances, garage floor layouts vary and mayinclude living area, bedroom, kitchen and a storage area. You mayalso choose a design that exists in two levels where the livingarea is above the rest. All these depend on personal preferences.Those ho find it pretty hard to use the stairs can have the garagedesigned in a manner that everything is situated on the samelevel.Garage plans with apartments are considered to be wonderful dueto a number of reasons. They can provide the independence that'srequired not only to the parents but also to recent collegegraduates who may need some extra space. Garage plans with thenecessary plans for apartments can provide shelter and privacy toyour guests and also family members who may prefer so.Our various designs can help provide you with whatever style andarchitecture that you require. Whatever you require will definitelybe satisfied at all times. You need to go through our availablewood garage floor designs and choose the one that will suit yourrequirements.
Dining Room Decorating Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
How many dining room decorating ideas can youcome up with? There are a lot of them like table sets, chairs,rugs, window treatments, lighting and ceiling fans. These don'thave to be costly; you can make minor makeovers like windowtreatments and lighting that are relatively cheap. The windowtreatments can include shutters, curtains and drapes and thelighting can include ceiling fans or a simple drop light. Thenthere is the expensive renovations you can do like carpeting andnew furniture that can really hurt your bank account.If you are going to do major renovations or remodeling, thoseshould be done before considering lighting, table sets, chairs orwindow treatments. Maybe your dining room is stuck in the 60's andyou want to bring it up to date with modern or contemporaryfurniture. Whatever design you choose you can make it happen withjust a few well thought out dining room decorating designs. Forinstance you can change the entire look of your dining room byinstalling new ceiling fans and lighting. There are lots of stylesto choose from and the price will greatly depend on the design andthe size of the fan.Instead of cleaning your carpets you can install new carpetingor add area rugs. Rugs go great in any room of the house and canhelp protect your floor and carpet from damage. These too come canbe purchased in a variety of styles such as modern andcontemporary, antique, tile as well as in different shapes. Don'tstray too far from your kitchen decor when considering decoratingideas. You want your dining room to be an extension of yourkitchen, not a separate entity. Both rooms should have similardecor so they do not clash with one another.Your idea of remodeling may be to install cafe style louvereddoors to your dining room door from the kitchen. These areinexpensive makeovers that can bring the entire room together. Theycan match the furniture or the walls and let your guests feel theyare in a separate room while remaining a part of your kitchendecor. You can remodel by installing matching louvered cafe doorswith louvered window shutters for window treatments or addingceiling fans with uplights so that there is ambient lightinginstead of only lighting the dining table.Using inexpensive makeovers for decorating is a better idea thanspending all your holiday cash on your home. Window treatments,lighting, curtains and rugs are some of the cheaper ways to giveyour dining room a face lift. You can do most of these ideas injust a few days without having you home tore apart and in shambles.Consult your local retailers on the availability of the decoratingideas you want before beginning your project. You could be lefthigh and dry this holiday season without your dining room table orwithout your chandelier to eat by if you don't check to see what isavailable.The holidays are swiftly approaching and you want to improve thelooks of your dining room. Whether you just do some simplymakeovers or do complete renovations, you will love some of thesedining room decorating ideas. Remodeling doesn't have to beexpensive, in fact there are some makeovers that can be done thatwon't put a dent in your pocket. For instance window treatments andrugs are an inexpensive way to give your dining area a new look.There are other more expensive ways of remodeling but why spend allthat money when you can do simple things to give a more modernlook?Adding some color to the decor of your dining area throughwindow treatments and rugs is one of the best dining roomdecorating ideas you can have. Curtains and drapes come in allkinds of colors as well as styles and they are relatively cheapwhen given other alternatives. You will want to the same style asyour kitchen but changing the color will not take away from thecoordination between the kitchen and dining area. Rugs can helpprotect your floor from damage as well as absorb sounds.
Aquarium Decoration Design 1.1
Lucent Beam
Encuentra la calle Increíble Arte 3DFind Aquarium Decoration Design Ideas in this application forfree.en esta aplicación de forma gratuita.People that have fishaquariums in their homes naturally love fish. But often, they enjoythe process of decorating it as much as they love the idea of theaquarium itself.If you love your aquarium, but think that it looks dull andboring, you should think about sprucing it up with aquariumdecorations. Aquarium decorations and themes are one of the bestways to bring some excitement and individuality to your aquarium.And, lucky for you, there are a great number to choose from.Driftwood is wood that is floating or that has been washedashore and it's a natural part of many seascape environments.Artificial driftwood brings that same atmosphere to your aquarium.The added benefit, you don't have to worry about accidentallyimporting diseases into your tank.Aquarium rocks add interest to your fish tank. And it gives it asense of authenticity. Additionally, you can find aquarium rock inall sorts of colors, which will brighten up the environment.Aquarium caves provide great playgrounds for your fish. There'snothing more boring than spending the day swimming back and forthfrom one end of the tank to the other. Caves let your fish havefun.Aquarium castles - You can find all sorts of aquarium castlethemes in your pet stores - from the very simple to the elaboratebeyond belief. Most of these are more for your benefit than thefist. But, find the right one and it becomes a real conversationpiece.Aquarium wreck ornaments are miniature replications of nauticaldisaster scenes discovered or re-imagined. If you are a historybuff or a lover of ships and exploration, you'll never tire ofthese works of art. The same goes for miniature ruins whichreplicate ancient civilizations and place them in an underwatersetting. Imagine having the sunken city of Atlantis in your fishtank.Skeleton ornaments are a bit macabre, but if you are the personwho's attending all of those Friday the 13th and other horrorfilms, or if you simply like being scared, skeleton ornaments maybe the perfect ornament for you.Artificial plants give the aquarium a more natural look andfeel. Placed right, they lessen the feeling that you're looking atfish in a tank and increase the feeling that you're actuallywatching them in their own environment.Underwater lighting, while not strictly a decoration,nevertheless often serves as one. It dramatically enhances the lookof your aquarium. And in the nighttime, the right lighting canalmost give you the surreal feeling of actually being in the deepwaters. The only drawback is that some fish, depending on thespecies of fish in your tank, some might not like the lights asmuch as you do.The list above is only a small taste of the different aquariumdecorations on the market. The type and number of aquariumdecorations out there are so many that they are probably toooverwhelming for the novice aquarist. Luckily, you can findstep-by-step aquarium design guides to help you make yourdecisions. The employees of your neighborhood pet shop will mostlikely be happy to help you out as well.Unused chinaware. That chipped cup or cracked teapot still hasits gorgeous design work on it. Why not set them up inside youraquarium and arrange them to look like a tea time scene. If any ofthe china are badly chipped, it would be advisable to bury thesharp part into the substrate so it doesn't hurt the fish.Discarded toys. Kids toys make really nice fish tankdecorations. The toys made these days so so detailed, they out beatany home ornament you might have.Unwanted lawn decoration. Lawn and garden decor are created toweather any condition and will last in your aquarium for a verylong time. If you do want to use these, give them a really goodwash because they would have collect so much dirt and grime overthe years.
Kitchen Cabinet Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
Kitchen cabinet design offers abundant optionsfor every re-modeler to find the perfect cabinets for their newkitchen. Understanding the basic elements of design will help younarrow the array of options and simplify the decision. Some ofthese basics relate to the quality of construction and others are amatter of kitchen style and personal taste.Let's consider each in turn. Two of the basics of kitchencabinet design are quality issues. The other two are about styleand taste.1. Material. What material will be used to build your cabinets?Material is one of the most important decisions you will makebecause the design and style of your cabinets are the major factordetermining style and design of the entire kitchen. You haveseveral choices:Metal (stainless steel, aluminum). Metal can be both expensiveand heavy to hang. Some metals - especially those used in the past- were subject to rust. Metal can be available in colors or it canbe painted. These cabinets also show any dings or dents if they areaccidentally hit with a pan, and they will show scratches. Forthese reasons it is not a popular choice in kitchen cabinetdesign.Wood combinations. Some cabinet makers use less expensive wood,such as plywood or pine, to build the cabinet case and then usedoors and exterior panels of better or more expensive wood. Somealso use particle board or other composite materials. Any woodcabinets can be painted in the color of your choice. You can use aglossy finish or a matte finish.Solid wood. These cabinets are built entirely of finished,high-quality wood, such as hickory, oak, maple or more expensivewoods like cherry or walnut. Traditional kitchens and somecountry-style kitchens might use a dark wood, such as cherry,mahogany, walnut or ebony. Contemporary kitchens tend to uselighter color woods such as birch or maple. You will want toconsider the color, the grain of the wood and the finish applied tothe wood. Better cabinets are finished with several coats ofpolyurethane to protect the wood. Solid wood is currently the mostpopular kitchen cabinet design choice.2. Construction. Low quality cabinets are often put together withglue or with nails or staples. This is not a good idea (if you havethe choice) because under the heavy use of kitchen cabinets anddrawers, they will not last. High quality cabinets will be joinedwith dove tail construction. This is one of the most importantaspect of kitchen cabinet design.3. Door Style. There are many types and designs in cabinetdoors. The door style is the primary determiner of kitchen cabinetdesign. For example, a contemporary kitchen would almost demand aflat panel door design. Raised panel design, on the other hand, isthe preferred door style for a traditional style kitchen. Othercabinet designs include these door styles: reveal-overlay panel,frame and panel, beaded frame and panel, square raised panel,curved raised panel, bead board panel and cathedral panel.4. Accessories are the final basic element of kitchen cabinetdesign. Accessories include knobs and handles, organizationcustomizations, accessibility options and specialty modifications.Knobs and handles should match both the style of the kitchen(rustic, worn, sleek) and the other metals used in visible placesin the kitchen. For example, brushed metals work very nicely withstainless steel appliances. There are many devices and gadgets thatcan be installed in drawers and cabinets to organize the contents.Many custom or customized units have these items built in.Accessibility items include things like sliding trays or spinningunits (lazy Susan, for example) to make things in the cabinetseasier to reach. Specialty modifications are changes made to anycabinets to make them function over refrigerated drawers or barrefrigerators, etc.
House and Garden Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
The design and implementation of a plan for abeautiful yard and garden can set your home apart. It can also haveother important advantages, including increasing the value of yourhome, reducing the cost of creating and increasing satisfactionwhile reducing the time required to keep it beautiful and personal.There are many ways to create a design plan for a yard andgarden including hiring a custom designer, purchasing and usingdesign software, or by doing your own research through the manymagazines and do-it-yourself books. The goal is to upgrade a yardor garden from poor or average to good or excellent. It has beenresearched and proven that the monetary return can be anywhere from7 to 14% when a home is sold. It may be the attraction that setsyour home above the competition when you decide to sell yourhome.There are many ideas to consider when creating a yard and gardendesign. The most obvious is cost and time. You will also need toconsider the size of the area, your personal style and environmentyou live in. It has been common practice to have a lawn mainly ofgrass and a garden of green plants. Alternatives can includechoosing to use natural elements, planning for maintenanceefficiency, adding a variety of height and size, and choosing décorto highlight the natural plantings of your yard and garden. In thiseconomy, another option is to consider ways to add a vegetablegarden to the décor of your yard and garden, either by areaplanting or container gardening.A well designed yard and garden should include color. Whenchoosing plants for your design, remember to give seriousconsideration to their life span and their space requirements. Youneed to evaluate the amount of sun, shade and water your areasprovide and what plants work well in those environments. You alsoneed to consider the variety of color and color compliments. Ask agarden specialist or a university extension agent if you needhelp.Gardens can also provide décor to attract birds. Many people arebird enthusiasts, but even those of us who know little about birdscan enjoy their playful antics and enthusiasm for life. There is awide variety of garden décor items that entice our featheredfriends to make your yard and garden home-such as bird feeders,bird houses and bird baths. These are not the only garden décoritems that add to the eye appeal of a garden. You should alsoconsider figurines, statues, trellises, stepping stones, lights,and planters. Each should be chosen according to your style anddesign.With your special touch, your yard and garden will be anextension of your home where you and your family will enjoy timetogether. If done correctly, your yard and garden design planningwill reduce having to re-plan and replant at a later time. It willadd to the curb appeal of your home and provide a place of comfortand joy.A lot goes into moving into a new home. It can be an exciting,exhaustive, and sometimes scary process for not only the new firsttimer, or for the well-seasoned owner who's moved more than a fewtimes in their lives. The amount of energy, money, and time spentmoving and eventually establishing yourself into your home and yourcommunity are well worth the effort- and that includes how youchange and establish your outdoor landscape and garden areas.The property the house sits on deserves the same attention asthe house itself, and for many, a lot of pride is taken into makingtheir landscapes and gardens not only their own, but also well-keptand attractive. But starting from nothing or somethingunattractive, overgrown, or simply something that doesn't work canbe a daunting task.Here are some basic landscape and garden design tips for the newhomeowner and even some execution ideas for the sake oforganization.Please note: Before you begin any changes in your landscape,make sure you're aware of existing HOA bylaws or covenants in yourneighborhood.
Driveway Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
Who does not dream about having a drivewaythat seems taken out of a magazine? Getting it is not as hard asyou might think; it just needs a bit of creativity. In addition tofulfilling your life long dream, a personalized driveway can alsoincrease the value of your house, improving its aesthetic looks andusing the spare space in an entertaining manner. Have you everdreamed of having one of those driveways that are often pictured inmagazines? With a little creativity it is possible to incorporatethese driveway designs around your own home. A custom drivewaydesign can help to increase your home's value, drastically add tothe visual appeal of your home overall and even help to turn unusedarea into beneficial and inviting parking space on your property.Deciding on a Paving Method for Your Driveway DesignThe first thing that you will want to do is decide on the pavingmethod that you would like to use for your new driveway area. Thereare a large variety of paving options that can be used; however,the most common include paving blocks, concrete, asphalt andStone-Crete.Paving blocks are available in many different colors andpatterns. This is one of the more costly options for drivewaydesign paving that there is but the benefits are well worth it.Block paved driveways tend to have a more finished appeal, createcleaner and healthier areas and last a long time when properlycared for.Concrete is the most expensive option for creating paveddriveway designs. The versatility and dependability of this optionis unbeatable. You can select to have a solid, level slap styledriveway design or an imprinted pattern that is etched into theconcrete for a more artistic design pattern.Asphalt paving is another option that is commonly used whenhomeowners are seeking short term benefits from their drivewayarea, mostly for the purpose of promoting the sale of their home.Common problems associated with this type of driveway design arecracking and crumbling within a short period of time in continuousmaintenance is not put into the driveway asphalt paving.Stone-Crete is a combination of pea-gravel mixed with concreteto give a pebbled driveway look. Over time the driveway area willharden and become sturdier. This is often an option used when thehomeowner wants to create a more natural look for areas such ascottages or beachfront properties.Deciding on the Installation Process of Your New DrivewayAreaOnce you have decide on what type of material you want to use foryour new driveway, you will need to make the decision on if this isa do-it-yourself project or whether you will need to seek theassistance of a professional to create the driveway area for you.If you do not have experience working with the paving material youhave selected or if you do not have adequate knowledge of themaintenance techniques needed for keeping your driveway lookinggreat at all times, than it is recommended that you seekprofessional assistance with this project for your home.Professional paving technicians have the ability to create thedriveway area of your dreams in a fast and affordable manner. It isimportant to make sure that the professional paving contractorshave the adequate knowledge, training and customer care that youwould expect from a professional. If these simple qualificationsare not met then chances are that you will not be as happy with theproject when it is completed.Gather all Maintenance Information that is Available to you onthe Paving Option ChosenHomeowners spend a great deal of money on their driveway design.For that reason alone it is necessary to gather all of theinformation concerning the maintenance and upkeep for the pavingoption you have selected. If you have hired a contractor to installyour new paved driveway, then they should be able to provide youwith all of the information and directions available. This willhelp keep your driveway looking great for many years to come.
Garden Screening Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
If you are looking for a place to squirrelaway all your gardening tools for a proper and secure place, whynot look for a beautiful shed design? Garden sheds will not onlynotch up the beauty of your garden, you will also have a permanentorganized place for your very-useful gardening tools.Garden sheds are easy to construct and there are hundreds ofonline sites and software available that will help you customizeand build your dream garden shed. The shed can be shaped in variousdesigns like colonial, gable and Grenoble are depending upon yourshed plan.The size of the garden shed depends upon its usage. If you usethe shed frequently, it is better to lay more paving, alleyway andwork space than otherwise required. Decide a convenient place forthe shed - either at the center of the garden or close to thehouse. The conventional potting shed is usually for the committedgardeners. Also, if you are an active gardener put the shed closeto a greenhouse, vegetable or flower plot. Tough surfacing isnecessary all around the storage are to deal with the regularusage. But if you aim to use your shed only for storage purpose,hardening the surfaces is not much of a use. Wood shed plans can bedesigned in various ways depending on the purpose.Hiding shedsFor all those who want to keep your sheds discreet, there arenumerous options. The trend for green roofs has modified theconception of the garden shed. Wrapping the roof withlow-maintenance floras boosts biodiversity and keeps the sheds coolduring summer and warm in winters.If you want for your garden shed less conspicuous, paint it witha dark color and it will camouflage into the background. Trellisscreens also create a fake boundary, behind which you can hide yourshed along with other items.Attractive shedsIf you want to highlight your garden shed, then opt for anaesthetically beautiful and architecturally strong structure.Varieties of garden shed designs are available online as well as onthe market, and the majority of these sheds can be effectively usedas storage sheds as well. Ornamental timber work, painted walls andfurnished windows can convert these worn out sheds into gorgeousarchitecture.Modern garden sheds are equipped with blond wood panels, glossyand sharp steel or aluminum adornments to match up with the stylishgarden areas in the cities.In garden areas where space is restricted, covered boxes orshelved cupboards are used for storing garden utilities. Made fromfiberglass material, these shelves or boxes are large enough totake most garden tools, except lawn-mowers.Adding flower boxes at any windows that you have on your building.This is easy to do and very inexpensive also. Simply build a boxthe desired size that you prefer and fasten it to the underside ofthe windows on your building. Try to use the same material that wasused while building the shed, and be sure to bore some weep holesin the bottom of the box to let any excess water out. I like to usea filter screen material and lay it in the bottom of the box beforeplacing any dirt or potting mix in the flower box.Installing one or two skylights in the roof of the shed. Now, thisis a little more expensive, but it really adds a nice and uniquetouch to the garden storage shed. Most garden shed designs will nothave this included in their plans, so this take a little planningahead of time. You will want to pick out the skylight that you wantto install on the roof and have it on hand before you frame up theroof structure. A little modification to your garden shed designsand plans and you will have a great looking roof-line on your newshed, not to mention plenty of natural light inside of thebuilding.Adding a cupola to the ridge of the roof. Again, this can be veryinexpensive to more expensive, depending on what type of cupola youwant to install on your shed.
Garden Border Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
If you want to define some space in yourgarden, then you can do so with the use of garden borders. Borderscan be used to separate grass from walks and for other types oflandscape edging and they can also be used to create garden beds.The borders add both depth and texture to the garden, and enhancethe aesthetic appeal.Garden beds create a small controlled space, making it the idealplace to grow edibles like fruits and herbs, or to plantperennials. The borders are usually used for a garden bed that isplaced at a higher level than the area immediately surrounding it.They are an important component of raised garden beds, as they formthe frame in which the soil for the bed is placed. In addition,they assist in keeping the soil in the bed intact, and inpreventing erosion. Because there is no erosion, the nutrientsremain in the beds, and this causes the plants to flourish andthrive.The garden borders also play another very important role, asthey help to stop the spread of grass roots, so that the grass doesnot invade your garden bed. In addition, planting in the raisedbeds makes tending to them a lot easier, and the better drainageencourages the growth of the plants, thereby ensuring a betteryield. It's the perfect solution to a soggy garden.Garden borders offer a great deal of versatility when setting upyour garden, as they are available in a range of styles and shapes.These edges can make your garden look a lot more attractive, as itis possible to create a circle, square, or rectangular design withthe borders. Also, you may opt to make the border end freely, andthen create an undulating design.There are garden border kits that you can purchase from Frame itall, which have stackable joints that allow you to raise the levelof the edgings to the desired height. The borders are modular indesign, which allows for a range of design options, which can beeither angular or subtle.The borders are made of composite wood, which is safe andnon-toxic, as it has not been treated with harmful chemicals. Thiseco-friendly alternative is strong and durable. The colors arenatural, which makes it a lot easier for them to blend into thelandscape, without detracting from the attractive design of thegarden. In addition, the composite wood is resistant to rotting andwarping, so it won't be affected by the weather extremes.Installation of the garden borders is quite easy, and in just afew hours, you can have your garden looking great. All you need toput the borders in place are a screwdriver, hammer, and tapemeasure. The garden borders by Frame it all require very littlemaintenance, and are the ideal solution for those persons lookingto add some texture to their garden space.Border garden beds are wonderful additions to your landscapewhen you want to highlight an edge, such as a driveway, fence,walkway, front porch, or patio. They can be used to delineatevisual boundaries or create physical compartments in yourlandscape. When it comes to highlighting permanent features, suchas a trellis or gazebo, or dividing spaces in your yard orvegetable garden, border gardens are just the thing. As they oftenfollow an edge, they are usually rectangular in shape, but can alsobe designed to include gentle curves for less formal gardens.Most gardeners plant taller annuals and perennials to the backof these beds, placing shorter items towards the front. Border bedscan be created to spotlight long seasons of bloom on a continuum orfocused around a one-season spectacular show. If you opt for theone-season showcase, be sure to plan the rest of your landscapingto balance out the seasons during which your border bed liesfallow.Nearby shrubs, ground cover, and ornamental grasses can helpyour yard to that regard and can offer visual interest and textureyear-round. I prefer to choose interesting foliage, such as hostasand alumroots, and long-lasting blooms like coreopsis.
Garden Lighting Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
Before you install new lighting, take a lookat what you've already got.What you already have, even if you do not have anything, issunshine and moonlight. Before you go spend a bunch of moneyrunning wiring and sticking solar fixtures into the ground, stopand take a look at the way your plantings, statuary and waterfeatures look in natural light.What you may find is that you do not really need to do thatmuch. For one thing, if your backyard or garden is a small, simpleaffair, you may already be just about done. A few carefully placedaccent lights may be all that you need.If you have a larger space to tackle, make sure you walk throughit at night. Are you able to move around the yard without danger oftripping over plans or wandering off the walkway? If so you mayagain be able to get away with some accent lighting and perhapsspotlights for gathering areas. If not you will have to puttogether a more comprehensive plan to ensure that you can use youroutdoor space in the way that you intend.Too much of a good thing is too much of a good thing -- do notuse too many garden lights!Just a few properly positioned lights of the correct type can domore to make your garden beautiful and functional than a ring ofbright floodlights around the perimeter. Make sure that you're onlylighting the areas that need to be lighted, whether forfunctionality or to enhance the beauty of the space. Use only asmuch electricity as you need to - you will be helping theenvironment and saving money at the same time. One of the fewwin-win situations you run up against while doing homeimprovement.Consider the characteristics of your plantings and how theyreact to outdoor lighting.The kinds of plants, statuary, water features and otherstructures that you have in your garden will have a tremendousbearing upon the effect of your garden lighting. Plants with shiny,highly reflective foliage will not need as much light as willduller darker ones. For the same reason, if the majority of yourgarden consists of such plants you will need more numerous andbrighter fixtures.Use your garden lights to highlight what mattersMake sure that your final garden lighting design illuminates theimportant features of your garden and backyard. Walkways should beclearly be marked as should entry points and exits. Any waterfeatures, low walls or small pieces of statuary should have theirown spotlighting or Accent lighting to prevent accidents andproperty damage.If you take the above points into consideration when puttingtogether your garden lighting plan I am sure that whether you'redoing it yourself or engaging the services of electrical contractorto be more than happy with your results.Creating a truly modern garden lighting design can add so muchto your home. All types of properties can benefit from a gardenlighting makeover, from small apartments with limited outside spaceto large palatial country mansions. You can create designs that arepractical and those that simply impress your neighbors. But how doyou achieve this in a contemporary style? This can be done using afew tips and techniques, all that is required is a little forwardplanning and thought as to how the end result will look.Use contemporary looking landscape light units for starters. Thestyle and design of the light units themselves can influence theoverall appearance of the project. Avoid using the old fashionedlantern style lights or even those common stick in solar lights,they just look dated. Go for sleek designs in chrome or stainlesssteel. When using floodlights again pick out something that looksnice and modern not the standard black housing that is so commontoday. Don't forget you will see many of these lighting units, inthe daytime at least.
Green House Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
When someone asks, "what is a green house", aplausible answer to the question should be that, "it is apurpose-built building or covered place, where plants are grown,more importantly regardless of the natural weather conditions". Itcan be as small as a little room and as large as a whole complexand can be domestic as well as commercial.Now, the basic principle on which the Green Houses work is,"allowing natural sunlight to plants and containment/ moderation ofthe heat, the sunlight carries along" and this purpose is achievedby constructing them with transparent material, which in most ofthe cases is either plastic or glass. The temperature inside it canbe controlled by creating small ventilators or through installationof air conditioner and heaters. Green houses can be very effectivein areas of extreme weather. Very hot regions like deserts areoften unsuitable for growing crops. Similarly very cold regionslike Siberia are also unsuitable for natural growth of vegetation.Hence, certain food necessities are met this way.Speaking of the "Green House Design", there are no strictlimitations regarding size, shape and material of the proposedstructure. Instead, the flexibility allows one to prepare a customgreen house keeping in view one's own limitations, i.e. availableland/ resources and targeted quantity of plantation. For commercialpurposes, These houses are built with glass structure, which aremore dependable/ secure and are built in the shape of largebarracks. In advanced countries; they are monitored electronicallyfor better growth and maximum yield. Netherlands, for instanceholds the record for largest number of green houses in a countryexceeding 9000 of them. For domestic purposes, plastic is morepreferable being cheap and easily installable.With the advancement in agriculture industry, improvements ingreen house technology can also be seen. Historically, the greenhouses were initially built to save the crops from unexpected rainand hailstorms. Initial Designs were not transparent, instead wereeither made of hard fabric or metal sheets, however with thescientific development, it evolved into a profitable business.Today's "Green house Design" encompasses following salientfeatures:• It should at least be covering 50 meters of plain area.• It should at least be 10 meters in length, 5 meters in width and3 meters in height.• Foundation depth of the structure should be 0.5 meters, howeverthe deeper the better principle can be applied in this case.• Door of the green houses should be 1 ½ meters in height and 0.6meters in width, whereas ventilating window should be 2 x 3 feetand should be installed at the opposing wall of the doorwall.• It should be constructed preferably in open areas, where sunlightis available for most part of the day.• In areas, where there is a risk of intrusion of wild birds oranimals, the green house can also be protected with a firm layer ofmetal grill.To summarize the discussion, following points need to beremembered while dealing with the phenomenon under question.• What is GH: A structure, built to provide artificialenvironment for plants to grow under unfavorable outer conditions.They are built to increase vegetation and grow unseasonal plantsand fruits.• What are the key benefits:o Off-season crops regardless of type can be growno Higher yield can be achieved through provision of most suitableenvironmento Requires less use of chemical fertilization and water irrigation,thus minimizing cost of yield.
Kids Room Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
The first step to creating a fantasy kids roomfor your kid is to identify his or her fantasy. Does your childwant to be a race car driver or an astronaut, a deep sea diver or aforest ranger, a Princess or a Pirate? To begin creating your kidsfantasy bedroom, then, find out what your child's idea of a perfectfantasy kids room is.The best fantasy kids rooms are those designed around a theme.Why? Because when all the individual elements of a bedroomcontribute to the same overall vision, it creates a unity ofelements and gives the room a comforting sense of wholeness that aslapdash jumble of every cool accessory and idea that catches theirfancy can never give.Help your child choose a theme for their fantasy kids room andyou'll be able to create an entire world of their own that they canimmerse themselves in with pleasure and delight.Some fantasy theme room ideas for boys include: tropical junglesafari, ocean voyage, space voyage, vehicles (planes, trains,automobiles), construction zone, medieval kingdom, rock star, theWild West - and so on.Some fantasy theme room ideas for girls include: tea party,floral meadow or garden, Princess, movie star's dressing room,prima ballerina, carnival, animals, undersea world - and so on.Once you and your child have settled on a theme, a easy way tobegin designing a fantasy kids room around that theme is with acustom theme bed as its centerpiece. A little boy wanting a junglefantasy theme room, for example, will go ape for a custom treehousebed. A little girl wanting a Princess fantasy theme room, on theother hand, will treasure a custom castle bed. The possibilitiesare endless!The added benefit of starting with a custom theme bed is thatyou can them create the rest of the fantasy kids room around thatone prominent item.A great next step is to select a color scheme based on the themeand custom bed. Pick pillows, bedding, curtains, borders, rugs,carpet, paint, wallpaper, furniture, accessories, all to complimentthat color scheme. Oceanic scenes (whether above or below the sea),for example, will have a lot of blues. Garden parties and junglesafaris will have a lot of greens. You can see how easy it is tocome up with colors once you've first chosen a theme.The final step in the process, then, becomes simply toaccessorize. Animal-themed fantasy kids rooms, for example, mightcall for some stuffed animals placed about, castle fantasy kidsrooms (whether for a Princess or a Prince) might benefit from acoat of arms on the wall. Again, the ideas are endless.So sit down with your kids as soon as you can, and startdesigning the fantasy kids rooms that will make their fantasiescome true.Each and every room of your home is undoubtedly very importantand needs special care and attention in its decoration. But when itcomes to your kids room then you need to be extra cautious as yourkids bedroom design should go well with the likes and dislikes ofyour child. While decorating your kids bedroom due considerationshould be given to all aspect like bedding, wall color, decor andother.The kids room design should inspire creativity and for thisimagination plays a major role. An interesting theme will help youto make your child's room attractive and colorful. You can selectupon the theme as per the likings of your kid. The theme willfurther help you to decide upon the wall decor and accessories usedin the room. The wall paint color also plays a major role in thedecoration of your kids room. Use bright and interesting colors inyour kids bedroom as it will make the atmosphere lively and cozy.There is large number of kids room wall paint ideas which you canincorporate. You can paint the room with various pictures ofplants, animals, flowers and other objects.
Home Flower Arrangement Design 1.1
Lucent Beam
Whatever your home decor style is, flowerarrangements can enhance it. There are various kinds ofarrangementsthat can suit your interior decor, be it country, tropical,contemporary, english or oriental.Let's look at how to match flower arrangements to your homeinterior design.ContemporaryContemporary design focuses on light and space. This is a goodpoint to remember. To create contemporary design in your home,always emphasize on these two factors.Balance between natural colours and bright colours are usuallyassociated with this design. And, the shapes in a contemporarydesign is defined.Flower arrangements to match this design is the easiest to workwith. Apart from flowers, plants can be used to enhance the design,too.EnglishEnglish design accents are like printed floral fabrics andwooden flooring and furniture. When you enter an English-styledroom, you can feel a sense of romance.Which is why romantic flowers are suitable for this design.Flowers like roses, hydrangeas, gardenias, tulips are suitable forthis design. On the other hand, I think greeneries or plants arenot suitable.CountryDecorating a country-styled home with flowers is rather easy.Country homes must be associated with wooden furniture and earthencolours.For country homes, dried flowers wreaths and arrangements arebest. In the kitchen, you can also decorate with fresh sunflowersor dried vegetables.Arrangements in wicker baskets are also suitable for countrystyle. The guide to decorating a country home is to use flowerarrangement with 'fresh from the garden' look.With that, you could not go wrong.TropicalTropical inspired homes are very famous in the Asian region.Exotic wood and teak furniture are elements of a tropical home. Notmuch colours are involved and usually the home has an outdoorfeeling and very airy.To match this style, use tropical flowers like orchids, proteas,heliconias and birds of paradise. These flowers will certainlycomplete your tropical home with elegance.Using plants and greeneries also help. Oil palm trees and fernsare good choices.OrientalOriental homes are either Japanese or Chinese inspired. Japanesehome accents are like tatami mats and bamboo sliding doors. Ikebanaarrangements is most suitable for Japanese style homes.For Chinese styled homes, there are usually heavy carvings inthe furniture. Rosewood is most commonly used in their furniture.Bonsai plants will complete your Chinese styled homes.Well, you've gone to a lot of effort and expense to produce abeautiful garden. Of course, your garden is outside and you liveinside. Passers-by and your neighbors probably benefit almost asmuch as you do. So to extend the benefits of your work, you justneed to bring some of that beauty indoors.Have you ever been intimidated by the thought of puttingtogether a flower arrangement? Well, arranging flowers is not thatdifficult with a little guidance and some great ideas! Displayingyour own flowers can be fun especially when being creative instylish but simple ways.The first thing to start with is selecting some basic householdcontainers for your fresh cut flowers. Remember, you are notlimited to the typical glass vase. Be creative and think outsidethe box or, in this case, the glass vase. Start to look around you.Grandmother's old water pitcher can make a great country look oruse a sterling silver pitcher for a more traditional look.How about a simple candle votive holders with a single flower init at each place setting at your dinner party? Now that will add areal touch of elegance. Even old cans and bottles can be quitenostalgic as well as useful. There is no limit on ideas that don'trequire the expense of buying a vase. Choosing flowers with largeheads like lilies, orchids or sunflowers individually put in acontainer when all lined up is quite dramatic and very stylish.
Creative Clay Pot Project 1.0
Lucent Beam
A fun clay pottery art project for middleschool students is the building of rooms, houses, or castles byslab construction. First have the students make drawings of theirhouse or castle designs. Then, they should make templates forcutting out the walls, floor, and ceiling or roof. Show thestudents how to roll out a slab and then have them cut out thefloor, walls, and ceiling. The edges of the pieces are scored andslipped, and then joined together firmly but gently. It is alsonecessary to press a thin coil of clay to the inside of each joint.This part of the process can be quite difficult for students toget the walls to stay attached, and to stand up straight. Somestudents may need to start over, but eventually they aresuccessful. They are motivated to succeed in this initial part ofthe process since then the fun part begins creatively of designingand furnishing the room or house. Towers can be made by wrappingthe clay around cardboard cylinders and pinch pots and coils madeby hand or with an electric clay extruder can be used for fancytouches such as furniture, appliances, or domed roofs andspires.Another great classroom ceramics idea is making pinch potanimals. This process is very simple, and all of the creatures comeout very differently. First have the students form small pinchpots. The students curve their hands into a letter "C" around theirclay and shape it into a ball. Then they stick their thumbs downinto the ball more than halfway, but not so deep that it breaksthrough the bottom. Keeping their fingers together and their thumbsinside, they should pinch and turn the pot in order to enlarge thehole. When it is shaped they tap the clay down onto the worksurface so that the bottom flattens out. Dipping a finger intowater, they then polish away any elephant wrinkles until thesurface is smooth.Then the pot can be gently squeezed into an oval shape. The topsides of the pot can be squeezed into the center, to form a figureeight. The top of the eight will become the two front legs and thebottom of the eight will become the two hind legs. Now, turn thepot over. The pot's bottom will become the animal's back. Bypinching and pulling the clay, the students can form the head andtail of the animal. Suggest that the students let the clay itselftell them what kind of animal to form it into - rather thanstarting out with a preconceived idea. Perhaps the final animalwill be a dog, cat, horse, dinosaur, or dragon. The students getideas from one another, and they put lots of effort into thedetails. Make sure to caution them about making details which aretoo small and fragile, which might dry and fall off. After bisquefiring, the animals can be painted with Acmi glazes and decoratedby hand, and then re-fired.PaintingAfter purchasing a flower pot, sand the pot down beforepainting. You should also seal the inside of the flower pot with anoil-based polyurethane to protect your painted design from waterpenetration. If you are painting pots for outdoor placement, use apaint specifically designed for outdoor use. DecoArt Patio Paint iswater and weather-resistant and adapts well to changingtemperatures. Outdoor paints also mean your pot will be easy toclean.DecoupageCut out words and images from scrapbook papers, magazines andeven junk mail to decoupage your pot. Create a theme by selectingsimilar words or images, for example Spring. Tissue paper is agreat material to decoupage pots. You can use one color or avariety of coordinating colors for a fun, semi-transparentlook.EmbellishmentYarn - Wrap yarn or twine tightly around the lip of your pot,gluing as you go. Yarn-wrapping creates an interesting texturedlook.Buttons - Flat buttons are a fun way to decorate pots. Paintflowers on your pot and glue buttons as the centers the flowers.Add a line of buttons around the top of the pot. Randomly gluebuttons all over the pot.
Bathroom Accessory Design 1.1
Lucent Beam
When you are looking forward to constructing ahouse of your own, you can have a lot of plans. Apart from makingproper plans for the different rooms, including the bedroom, thedrawing room and others, you should also give proper attention toplanning the decoration of the bathroom of your house. A bathroomis the place where you can relax by standing under the shower aftercoming back home from a tiring day's work. You can make thebathroom look beautiful and soothing with the addition of severalbathing accessories. There are several designer bathroomaccessories available in the market. You can make use of thesedesigner bathroom accessories to ensure that your bathroom has apleasant look. It is to help you enhance the soothing ambiance ofthe washroom and have better effect in rejuvenating your energiesafter you return in an exhausted condition after the whole day'swork.Different people have different preferences when it comes tobathroom accessories set. You may have noticed that others base itsolely on the price. Some settle for cheap sets while there arepeople who won't be satisfied unless every single bathroomaccessory comes from a designer set. There's nothing wrong withgoing for luxury bathroom accessories as long as you have enoughmoney for it.And also, there is nothing wrong with going for the cheaperones. With the current economy still recovering, people arebecoming more and more conscious of what they buy and how theyspend. But you need not to focus on costs alone. You should alsothink of what you want and what you believe is best for yourbathroom. After all, it should give you the greatest comfort youdeserve and that will just happen if you approve of everything inyour bathroom.There are numerous designs of bathroom accessories set availableto choose from. Some people pick styles and themes that arecontemporary to suit the modern times. Others buy some kind ofhistoric, medieval and age-old designs. You may opt to have anature theme or rustic or beach. It's all up to you.While choosing according to the design is fine, there are thosewho instead of going for a particular theme just purchase theirsets of bathroom accessories according to the materials they aremade from.WoodIf you want to go traditional and a bit sophisticated, you canchoose bath accessories made of wood. Wooden accessories willespecially look great if you have a simple bathroom theme likewhite or shades of white for everything. This is good for therustic or nature theme as well.CeramicsOne of the reasons why people prefer ceramic bathroomaccessories is their durability. They are commonly cheap too, whichmakes them a practical buy. Just keep in mind to purchase thosewith nice and elegant designs. This is because ceramics don't havethat kind of stylish effect compared to wood and glass wherein thelatter two can stand out all by their own even without intricatedesigns.GlassJust like what was mentioned earlier, glass accessoriesnaturally give off an ornamental look and feel to any room they arein. That's part of the reason why glass is a famous choice even forbath add-ons. The only thing you have to worry about is how youcarefully handle these items. Make sure you use tempered glassbecause that's more durable. They are not a good choice though ifyou are shopping for kids bathroom accessories.MetalThis is the strongest material among the five. Metal bathaccessories can be made of copper or brass and are able to last fora long time. They also match well with your stainless steelbathroom cabinets, if you are using those. Mostly, homeowners getthem for their proven durability.CrystalJust a bit more sophisticated than glass, the crystal bathadd-ons will surely make your bathroom shine and sparkle. They areknown to provide a very relaxing feeling and that they areconsidered as one of the most, if not the most, decorative amongthe bunch.
Garage Cabinet Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
In the process of designing garage cabinetstorage areas, it's a good idea to include in the cupboard's designan area for pegboard. The amount that you include will bedetermined by the work bench area. However, it is OK to have aseparate section that caters to just being able to hang certaintools for working in the yard or on your cars. Below are a fewsuggestions of things you may want to consider hanging up ratherthan putting inside a cabinet.Pegboard Area With Hangers For:* Extension cords* Small hand tools for hobby work* Car repair tools* Hedge clippers* Weed whackers* Tin snips* Pruning sheers* Weed killer spray bottles* Hammer* BacksawYou must have drawer storage! Also, the more things that can gobehind doors the cleaner the appearance is going to look to theneighbors.There are literally thousands of items that need to beconsidered when you're designing your garage storage area forcabinets. With today's creative design programs, the ideas fororganization are limitless. If you take a moment to search theInternet for garage and closet design ideas, you will eventuallyfind a free design program that will allow you to just enter yourdimensions. The program will start designing every thing and yieldcomputer drawings of what the area will look like in aninstant.A great place to start working on the dimensions of your garagecabinet storage cabinets is the depth of the cabinetry. This isreally going to be determined by a couple of things.1) How much room you have in the walk area when your car orvehicles are parked in the garage.2) Are you using pre-cut (stock size) garage cabinets or havingthem custom fabricated? You will need to determine how many tallcabinets, base cupboards and wall uppers you want. Many of thegarage system cabinet suppliers use a particular standard depth ofcabinetry in their designs. If you don't mind paying extra, many ofthe manufactures who have the equipment to do so will custom buildyour storage cabinets for you. Otherwise, you will have to designyour garage storage areas around the standard size stock cabinetrythat you are designing with.A creative design of garage cabinets will include varyingdepths, heights and styles of cupboards. The most functional setupsI have every witnessed had room for storing household seasonalitems for Christmas and Halloween as well as enough storage formechanical and yard work tools.Ideas for Designing and Organizing Your Stuff1) Holiday Decoration Storage- If you do not have an attic whereyou would normally place these seasonal items for Christmas,Thanksgiving or Halloween, then you must utilize an area in thegarage cabinetry design.2) Vacationing Travel Bags-Having an area designated for storingluggage and carry-on hand bags should be considered in the storagecabinet arrangement.3) Fishing, Hunting and Camping Supplies-Just about everyoneneeds space for the fishing rods, hunting items and camping gear.Fold-up lounge chairs, tents, lawnmowers, tree stands and tackleboxes should be considered when you are designing thecupboards.4) Vacuum Cleaners, Brooms and Mops- A designated area for allof the cleaning supplies and tools is a great plus to have in thegarage.5) Laundry Cupboards-If your washer and dryer are in the garage,then it's a great addition to make sure you have some type ofstorage shelf for the laundry detergent. I prefer to make thesewithout doors. It's a pain to have to open a cabinet door to getsome detergent out.6) Children's Toys-Go carts, bicycles, roller-blades,skateboards and tricycles are all items that need to have aparticular place. Footballs, baseball gear, soccer items, tennisrackets and balls also need to be included in the garageorganization process.The sky is the limit for ideas when you are designing garagecabinets.
Basement Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
The basement is the most ignored, neglectedand least cared for part of the house. The innovative basementdesign ideas can give your existing basement a new lease of lifeincorporating it into the main house.There are some points that need to be addressed first beforestarting out on redoing the basement. First is the kind of utilityplanned for this space. The basement can be used for a variety ofpurposes. From being a utility room, it can be converted into aden, or an entertainment room, an office room, an additionalguest/kids room, or even a workshop.Basement design ideas can provide additional, functional spaceto your house. You can either do the job yourself or hire aprofessional to perform the basement design ideas based on yourspecifications. Without a careful plan, however, your dream spacefor the basement can turn into a nightmare on cost and wastedexpectations.Write a ListThe first question you must answer is: what do you want to havein your basement? What purpose you want your new basement to serve?Aside from additional space, you can have your workspace in thebasement, an entertainment room or even a home gym.Moreover, a well-designed basement increases the selling priceof your property. Whatever your intentions, write a list what youwant to have in your basement and set priorities by descendingorder.Here are popular basement design ideas to consider:1. Game Room - Away from the fragile furniture and appliances inthe living room, the entire family can finally have a space togather and enjoy quality time together.2. Home Office - This is a great alternative for people workingat home as the basement area is quieter and normally more conducivefor work.3. Theater Room - With compact design and away from thebedrooms, the whole family can enjoy a theater quality movieexperience at home.4. Home Gym - Family members who seek to be fit do not need todrive anymore to the gym for their workout.5. Entertainment Area - One of the most exciting designs tohave. Friends and guests can be invited to enjoy the cozy ambianceof the entertainment or bar room inside your basement.6. Storage Space - The basement can be the closet for children'stoys, holiday goodies and off-season wardrobes.Hire Contractor or Not?Hiring a contractor to do basement remodeling is determined byyour budget, set of skills and time and effort that you areprepared to exert for the project. The advantage with hiringprofessionals, of course, is that they are trained and experiencedto finish the job at hand. Hence, make sure to do a backgroundcheck if your contractor is certified and reliable before hiringhim.Do it yourself basement can save you money if you handle itproperly. But it entails that you are capable or willing to learnof such skills as flooring, roofing and plumbing. If you have afulltime job, bear in mind also that it might take you between twoto six months to complete the remodeling. Nonetheless, being ableto remodel your basement is fulfilling and gives you greaterfreedom to accomplish your desired look.Other ConsiderationsWhether you end up deciding to hire a contractor or not, consulta professional on the get-go. During the planning stages, aprofessional can give suggestions on the repair works needed,building codes to follow and general idea of the remodeling cost.You can just pay the contractor for his consultation services. Butthe amount of insights you get in return is definitelyvaluable.Basement remodeling is akin to constructing a mini version ofyour house. You have to consider everything from your general aimsfor the basement to the specific details such as basement drywall,lighting and flooring space. You have the option to make yourbasement a space for work or for leisure, or both. The importantthing is to remember that careful planning on basement design ideasis perhaps half the battle.
Fountain Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
Are you searching for a way to spruce up yourgarden or outside area? Than you need to know about the latesttrends for water feature and garden fountain design ideas. Eitherof these two options can add a level of sophistication to yourhome.Some people may believe that having a water feature in homes isobnoxious. In some cases, if you do not do it in a tasteful way, itcan be. Which is why it is important to understand which designsfor both water features and garden fountains are currently ontrend. Here are 5 ideas that you should consider if you want tomake a splash with your outside areas:1. Three tier outdoor fountain: this is a great addition to asmaller cosier patio which is surrounded by foliage. You cantransport your home into an Italian countryside by simply addingthis water feature. Choose rustic colours and marble to really giveit a sophisticated edge.2. A beautiful backdrop: if you already have an old classicfountain situated in your garden than it may need some TLC. You canachieve this by using mosaic and bright colours for its backdrop.It is the perfect addition to a small semi-circular fountain.3. Asian influence: water features are influenced by a number ofdifferent cultures. If you need some Zen in your life than aconcrete Asian inspired fountain is ideal for you. Use it in astone lined area and let the soothing sounds of the water flowthrough you as you sit out on your patio at night.4. Table top fountain: a new trend that is taking over is havingsmaller water features placed around the home. One of the mostpopular designs is that of the table top fountain that is full ofcharacter. These table top fountains are small and quaint and canfit perfectly onto any size table, indoors or out. It is a greatconversation starter at the next party you host.5. Classic statue: although it is a classic, this type offountain is still extremely popular. Whether you are looking for aGreek or Victorian style statue it can certainly add that extralevel of sophistication to your home. This fountain should beplaced in an area that is highly visible. It will be theshowstopper as people walk around your home, while providing youwith beautiful sounds of the trickling water.No matter what type of style you are going for you are bound tofind a solution that works for you. It is important to take intoconsideration the area that you are working with. Once you know thedimensions as well as how close the water line is, you will be ableto go shopping and find the perfect water feature for yourgarden.In the ancient ruins of Pompeii which have been uncovered aftercenturies of lying under the mountain of lava and ash dumped onthem by the volcano Vesuvius, archeologists have discovered anumber of fountains. Although those living in Pompeii at the timeof the disaster weren't knowledgeable enough to know that the leadpipes feeding their water supplies were dangerous, they still knewhow to build systems which siphoned water from under the streetsinto fountains on the surface so that it could be used by thetown's citizens. Even way back then, water fountains were designedin many different ways. Some were highly ornamental and others weresimple basins, but they all were functional to meet the needs ofthe people.Modern fountains are designed in many unique ways, too. Thereare huge, beautiful ones gracing castles, mansions, and publicgardens, and there are fountains so small that people put them intheir back yards or even inside of their homes. Water fountains aretruly functional as well as just being beautiful though. We don'tuse them as our primary water source the way the ancient Greeks andRomans did, but they still serve a number of functions. Forinstance, there are many different water fountain designs that arebeing made to provide water features inside our homes. The runningwater can provide a very soothing atmosphere in which people canrelax away the stress of the world.
Cake Art Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
There are now so many cake decorating designsout there that the days when all you needed was to put icing on acake are gone forever. There has been quite an evolution in cakedecorating designs in recent years. You can even find shows dealingwith this issue on TV, and this has sparked an interest for manypeople do decorate cakes in their own kitchens.If you can't quite figure out the kind of design that you wouldlike to try, get yourself a cake decorating book and study thepictures in it to see what kind of design you really like. Thereare lots of complex designs out there, but all it takes is somebaby steps, if you will, to go for them.There are lots of online sources for great designs as well.Should you be interested, you may even use a premade design.Chances are no one will know that you didn't make it from scratch.Then there are some easy ways to give your cakes a special lookthat will make them stand out from the rest of the crowd.At this point there is an interest in making cakes forchildren's birthdays. It is not difficult to design a cake for suchan occasion provided that you stay with your current skill level.Read up on all the points you can find in your book and follow theadvice to create that special cake for a child's birthdayparty.If you are not sure that you have the skill level to undertakecertain cake decorating tasks, see if any of your friends or familymembers have more skill than you have, and ask them to help you.Even if you can decorate a cake on your own, there may come a timewhen outside help could get you going with a more complex designthat you have tackled before. If and when you get the properassistance, you are bound to make a cake that shows a more complexand intricate design than you would have been able to give itwithout help.The important thing is to realize that before you start on thisventure, there are quite a few basics that you will help to learnto begin with. Just keeping yourself at a skill level you feelcomfortable with can be a great help in your advancement with thishobby and art form.So many people wish that they could come up with as many cakedecorating designs as the number of cake they bake but often getstuck for idea on how to go about achieving this. Do you findyourself in this number? Or do you have brilliant cake decoratingdesign ideas but simply do not know how to implement it? In thenext few minutes I will be showing you simple steps that you canfollow to start implementing any cake design idea that you may haveand how to find new cake designs.If you are in need of a design, a quick place to get somewonderful inspiration is to search the web for sites that hostroyalty free images,photographs, vector illustration and designcommunity; here you will get an abundances of designs that you canuse as reference and templates for your design.If are comfortable with free hand piping of the ice on the cake,then you can simply print out the design and practice tracing overthe design which is a pretty good approach for scroll work that isquite popular on wedding cakes.However if you are not that comfortable with the free handpiping of the ice on the cake, then tape parchment paper over theimage and pipe the icing on the parchment paper while tracing theoutline of the image. Now put it in the freezer until it hassolidified then put in more ice and refrigerate again until itssolid. Now you can flip it on the frosted cake while you carefullyremove the parchment paper.You may also cut out a template from rolled fondant from adesign printed on card stock and then you trace around the templatewith an edible marker. The resource box below will show you how totake your present knowledge and skill in the art of cake decoratingto the next level. Whatever your next level is.
Kitchen Decorating Design Idea 1.1
Lucent Beam
No kitchen design theme is complete without agreat decor plan. Without the right home accessories and decor,your kitchen design can be boring and bland. Use this guide forcreating great kitchen decor design and you'll be sure to get theperfect match of design and decor for the ultimate kitchen.Planning AheadWithout the right planning, your kitchen redecorating projectmight not go over so well. A good plan for kitchen decor designbegins with creating a budget. Knowing how much you can spendbefore you start buying house decor can help you get a good startin the right direction. Once a number for your budget has beenestablished, it's in your best interests to create a cost breakdownlist. This can help you define the decor design from the get go.Knowing exactly what's going into your kitchen design can help youprevent costly impulse buying mistakes. With the right decor plan,you can get the most bang for your buck.Keeping it ConsistentAny good kitchen theme is only as good as its decor design.Table decorations, wall art and other decor accessories that don'tmatch your design theme only work against your kitchen design. Bykeeping decor designs consistent, you ensure your design looksgood. Metallic wall art might look great in a modernistic themedkitchen design, but other home accessories like a floral patternedflower vase will not. Keep your favorite decor items only if theymatch your kitchen design properly.Lighting DisplaysLighting plays an important role in any kitchen design. Fromwashing dishes to cooking dinner, task and ambient light sourceshelp make a kitchen function. But accent lighting helps to displayyour table decor, knick knacks and wall decorations perfectly. Agood decor design can only be properly showcased when lightingsolutions like accent and aesthetic lights focus light onto yourdecor design.Finding the Space for DisplaysA kitchen space can be tough place to show off table decor andother small decor items. Finding a place for all of them can bedifficult at best. Shelving, mantelpieces and even on top ofcabinetry can be a great place to showcase your decor design. Glassfaced cabinet doors and an interior lighting setup can be theultimate kitchen space to display your decor items. Built incubbyholes in kitchen islands can be the perfect place for yourhome accessories and decor. Wall space is extremely limited in manykitchens due to cabinetry and appliances. Take advantage of wallspaces like backsplashes to display wall art and decor.Choosing your kitchen design from the multitude of kitchendecorating ideas that abound can be an incredible experience intothe insight of kitchen manufacturers. It is totally amazing exactlyhow many kitchen designs are sold on the retail market and evenmore of a surprise which ones are the most popular. Spend anafternoon in one of the many retail outlets that sell kitchens andlisten in on the various conversations around you. People home inon the ultra-modern kitchens like flies round a honey pot but, asthe conversation progresses, you hear them admit to not being ableto live with such a design on a daily basis, eventually plumpingfor a more modest middle-of-the-road design, or even one of themany rustic designs. Kitchen decorating ideas naturally need totake into account the kind of kitchen furnishings you haveinstalled - you couldn't imagine a Belfast sink in one of thosemodern glass and stainless steel kitchens anymore than you couldimagine a high-tech sink in a totally rustic setting.
Curtain Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
Design is such a creative endeavor that it'sno wonder new and great ideas pop up each and every day. Sincethere are so many designs out there for our homes, clothing, cars,and even the buildings we work in, the windows in our homes shouldbe no exception. There are many curtain design ideas that can makeour windows pop with excitement and vibrancy. The right design canmake a home seem like a dream come true, and it's easy to startdesigning yourself.First however, you must think about how the rest of your homewill go with the design. For instance, if you have a Victorianstyle home, you'll most likely want to get curtains that are morein a Victorian style or that maybe have designs that lean moretowards the Victorian era. If you have a room that is morecontemporary, maybe minimalist designs will work for you. A plainpole could be a great start for a room that has little to noelaborate décor. Once you begin with the plain pole, you can startto hang up all kinds of curtains from frilly designs to the moresolid colored curtains. Rooms that are more contemporary canbenefit greatly from a bit of color here or there.You want the curtain design to complement the room rather thantake away from it. You'll want to take a close look at the kind ofwindow you have. Is your window, rectangular? Is it a large baywindow? Size and shape can play a big factor in what kind ofcurtains you can hang up.After you have taken into account some of the aboveconsiderations, let you imagination run wild. Consider alldifferent types of fabrics such as silk or lace. Consider handsewing your own curtains. You can use a colorfast outliner pen todecorate sheer curtains or you can attach appliqués, stickers andother fabric shapes to enhance plain fabric. Peruse the arts andcrafts store for endless inspiration.No matter what design you choose, you want the design to fitboth your taste and your lifestyle. However, even with that beingsaid, the times are always changing.One design doesn't have to last forever. Feel free to have newand constantly evolving curtain design ideas about the windows inyour house because as they look better, you'll feel better theplace in which you live. Your curtain design ideas don't have tocost an arm and a leg either. Even simple changes can make adifference.Contemporary curtains are available in a variety of uniquecurtain designs which play an important part in influencingcontemporary home decorating concepts. No home that is welldecorated is complete with regard to its decor if appropriatecurtains haven't been used. Contemporary curtains come in numerouscolors and are successful in bringing about sea changes in any roomof a given house. It is important, however, to carefully select theright materials and patterns for putting up curtains. In fact,curtains need to be considered at the very outset of the housedecoration plan.Before you choose contemporary curtain designs, you have toinspect your windows because shabby windows with broken glass orchipped paint obstruct light from entering the room and also failto complement the best quality modern curtains that are used. Onceyou have the right windows, you have to take careful measurementsto obtain the correct size of the curtains that you intend puttingup. The right measurements in every aspect are indispensable to thebasics of house decorating ideas and the wrong measurements couldlead to extra costs. A drape for instance, provides privacy, but isrequired to be slightly larger than the actual window size and thisprinciple too, is stipulated by current house decor concepts thatalso work with Venetian or Roman blinds that are placed betweencurtains and window panes.Modern curtains come with the sole objective of making the roomlook more cozy and homely. You may choose between warm colors orpastel shades that allow natural light to enter the room.
Graduation Party Dessert Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
High school and college graduations arelooming on the horizon. These are special and momentous events forboth you and your graduate. Planning you graduation party should bea fun and exciting project. Don't let your graduation party getlost in the crowd; with some early planning you can host a fabulouscelebration. Here are some great tips to make your party one of akind.Having four children who graduated two years apart, I have beenplanning high school or college graduation parties for over adecade. The two most important pieces of advice I can offer is toset a budget and plan early. Figure out how much money you have tospend on your celebration. This is critical, as your budget willdetermine the number of guests you can have and the venue you willuse to host your party. Many families have their parties out atrestaurants, in halls or other locations. These will cost moremoney. With four who graduated within a 7-year span, we knew withour oldest that we couldn't set a precedent that we couldn'tcontinue with the rest. So the idea of the "Backyard BBQ" tookshape. It's easy, casual and relatively inexpensive. Plus theoutdoor theme allows for a larger guest list for your graduate. Ourkids invited their friends, fellow grads, teachers, coaches, and ofcourse, all the family. We ran the graduation parties like an openhouse.Once you have a budget and have decided on your venue, thensettle on a date and do it early. You will be competing with lotsof other parties this time of year and by getting yours on thecalendar first you will avoid conflicts. Next decide oninvitations. You can order them online or buy them in the stores.However to save money, you can make them yourself on the computer.There are numerous invitation products available in office supplystores that will give you templates to make your own. Becreative... add graduation clipart, a logo from the college or highschool of your graduate or even inset a photo! Unless you have roomin your house or are having it off site, ALWAYS plan a rain date.Also make sure you have an RSVP with a date deadline and add youremail as well as your phone number. A 'regrets only" RSVP systemmakes for tricky planning. Recently, I have even seen people usefree online invitation services.For food, your options are numerous if you are hosting yourgraduation party at home. You can have it catered, you can cook orour family favorite for our barbeque theme is hamburgers, hot dogsand heroes. Add some salads, fruit platters and a graduation themeddessert and you have an easy, inexpensive menu. We set up a"stadium" food booth near the grill. My husband and his buddieswere grilling to order, with the condiments and rolls set out atthe booth. You make a poster and name your area. For example, atour party for our youngest who was going to DePaul University inChicago.. we set up the "DePaul Dug Out" and decorated the tablewith the school colors. For our son, who was headed to RutgersUniversity, we had a "Knight Stand" as their school mascot is theScarlet Knight. For another of our parties, I bought cases ofbottled water, took off the store label and made my ownpersonalized labels celebrating the graduates!For your graduation themed dessert you can always make or ordera sheet cake. However, I have received great kudos with my graduatecakes. I make dozens of cupcakes and make tags on card stock withthe high school or college logo. When our daughter was headed toChicago for college, I made tags with pictures of Chicagolandmarks. I then tape the tags to a toothpick and insert into thecupcakes. Make sure your tags are small enough that they don'tcause the cupcakes to tip over. Display on a platter and you have aunique dessert plate.
Garage Decoration Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
Most people hire the services of contractorsto make a garage plan for them. But if you prefer to build yourown, coming up with a garage design idea is really not difficult.While technical expertise is important, there are basic factorswhich should make things easy for you. When you are thinking of agood garage design idea, consider the following:1. Location.Where do you plan to build your garage? Most homes either havefront or side garage. Either way, garage should be constructedwhere house and the driveway are most accessible. Location alsoplays an important role on the overall design of your garage. Thespace available determines how the garage interior should beconstructed in respect on the functions you want your garage tohave. Once you have determined the "where", everything is easy.2. Budget.How much? The amount of money you should pour on the garagedesign is the next factor you need to be aware of. The cost ofconstructing a garage per square feet depends on where you live butit roughly goes from $40-$100. The materials you will use for thegarage design also play a bit factor.3. Function.How will the garage be used? Before, the garage is used solelyto keep the vehicle secured. But garage nowadays serves multiplepurposes from storing house and gardening tools to working spacefor do-it-yourselfers.Utilize the spaces available on your floor, wall, andceiling.Your garage walls can accommodate most of your home tools andgardening equipment including your brooms, extension cords, hoses,garden tools, ladders, bicycles, balls and bats, golf bags andaccessories, food coolers, coats, shoes, hats, and other workshopand general house tools and accessories. Install vertical storageon the wall for additional storage space.Garage cabinets can store your insect, lawn, and gardenchemicals, paint, other small tools used for car maintenance, andthe rest of the items you want to keep hidden for safetyreasons.Overhead storage can be installed to maximize the unused spaceof your ceiling. Here, you can securely keep seasonal items such assports equipment, holiday decorations, and other things that cannotbe kept at the floor.The key here is not to focus your attention so much on thefloor; you have lots of spaces above it.4. Aesthetics.Functionality is your main concern when thinking of a garagedesign idea, should you be worried with the aesthetics? Yes. Howyour garage will look like is important. Colors of the wall, designof the cabinets, types of materials used, and even the theme of thegarage should be carefully planned.* Garage Storage CeilingThis is one of the types of garage shelving arrangements used inmany places where there is not much space even for a car. There'sthe advantage of taking your shelving high and wide in which caseyou will still have access to space on the garage floor. Thisgarage storage shelving can allow you to hold bins where you keepsuch things as light bulbs, tools, seasonal clothing and shoes.* Garage Storage CabinetThis type of garage storage facility is considered an excellentchoice by many people because the cabinet can be moved around thegarage with relative ease. There may be shelves right inside suchcabinets on which smaller items are kept; there may also be hooksfor hanging these items. At any time you may have the cabinet movedto another location if you think you'd want another item to occupythe same position without displacing the materials and items youhave kept in the cabinet.How to Use Garage ShelvesWhatever the type of garage shelving ideas you intend to use inyour garage, it is paramount that they create enough space whileensuring that your garage is kept clean and properly organized. Youcan store items such as camping gear, holiday items, sportsequipment and gardening supplies on them.
Garage Ceiling Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
Most garages can store as much items as it canbut it can also create so headaches if not properly organized andmaintained. The problem with most garages is that they are nolonger being used as was originally designed. Family cars can nolonger be accommodated because most of the old clothes,memorabilia, broken toys and other old belongings are being dumpedinto the garage that there is no longer room enough for the carsand other more important things to store. The floor is no longeravailable for extra storage that's why most households have thoughtof one innovative way to free up the floor from so much clutter.With careful planning, budget consideration and wise implementationof a garage ceiling storage, the problem with space and storage cannow be solved in no time!The floor space will then be maximized while there is no need toinstall a complicated and expensive storage system. Seasonal itemscan now be stored and organized in the ceiling, thus creating morespace for the cars and other things that cannot be accommodated bythe garage ceiling storage. Since it is quite easier to install,more flexible and cheaper, many people are now looking to installin on their own. Here are some of the suggestions on how you couldget this innovative solution implemented on your own:1. Locate a Spot. Reserve a space wherein you would like toinstall the garage ceiling storage. Remember that you would put asystem in to avoid clogging or de-cluttering, not to add to it.2. Clean. Remove the dust and spider webs in the garage andvisualize a clean, organized and good-looking functional garage.Brush, wipe or wash all the things that you would like to store upin the ceiling. You do not want to walk inside your garage withdust falling on you instead so make sure to clean all the items youwould like to store there.3. Don't just bring them in arrange them. What belongings canyou store in the ceiling, old documents, seasonal clothes, holidaydecor, camping supplies and those that you do not usually need?4. Design, Color, Layout, Budget. Decide which design would youlike. Would you like it pre-made or customized. Pre-made closets orstorage systems may offer limited options when it comes to colorand design but they all share the same characteristics--made tomaximize your shelving and storage. Many manufacturers have alsobecome considerable enough to widen the range of the choices whenit comes to design and color. You may not dictate which materialsto choose but you can pick whether you want wood, laminated, wireor plastic. If you are particular with the right measurement of thecloset so it could perfectly fit in your garage, then go for acustomized garage ceiling storage. Only your imagination is thelimitation if you want your closet customized.5. Maintenance. Most homeowners just sit back and relax oncetheir systems are installed without thinking that the most vitalpart of achieving an organized and de-cluttered storage system isto maintain it. To fully enjoy the privileges of an enhance garageceiling storage, it has to be kept in a good condition to achieveits maximum life span.To know more regarding the building's storage, make someresearch to aid you plan for the alterations which you desire toconstruct. You could acquire all feasible notions for designingceiling storage for garages sheds online. It is feasible toorganize the said structures on your own if you have the necessarymaterials. Do not be anxious if you are not capable of constructingone as there are several of pre-constructed units purchasable. Theceiling rafters of garages are the typical area that you willsecure ceiling storage system elements.
Ceiling Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
In years gone by, people were aware thatunique ceiling designs were as important as the design of the restof the house. This is not so true today. Many homeowners do notplace the same importance on the ceiling as say, the floors.However, with some creativity, unique ceiling designs can reallygive your rooms and home an amazing and unforgettable look.While most ceilings are flat and mirror the size and shape ofthe floor, there are many ceilings that are sloped, domed, haveexposed interior beams, air conditioning ducts or other beams andwiring in awkward or unsightly places. These elements need to beworked with and incorporated into your ceiling design plan, notcovered up. Covering these kinds of issues will usually stand outmore if not dealt with properly, so use them in your plan and youwill have the best solution.Ceiling illusions can cover up flaws and enhance any room. Ifthe ceiling is lower, you can make it seem higher and with a highceiling, you can make it seem to come down and be more personal ifyou'd like. The height of the ceiling should be proportionate tothe size of the room, but that does not always happen. Uniqueceiling designs can really help to change the atmosphere andcharacter of a room to make it a more enjoyable space to be in.There are many decorative elements that you can use, likeceiling medallions, ceiling rims, beautiful molding and evenceiling domes. Take a good look at your ceiling and try to get anidea of what kind of feel you think it should have. Do you want itto feel free and open or cozier? Once you have a good idea of thefeel you want, you can start to build a design that will reflectthat mood.Molding is a really great design element that can be used tocreate interesting and unique ceiling designs. To start with, itcan be used with just about any of the other great ceilingapplications like lighting fixtures, painting and art applications,medallions, friezes, beams etc. Flexible crown molding comes injust about every style and ranges from the rather simple to theextremely ornate. You can even have your flexible crown moldingcustom designed! This is an especially great option if you alreadyhave beautiful carvings or plaster work that you would like tomatch.If your space has rounded walls, then flexible crown molding isa must have. What is so great about flexible crown molding for yourunique ceiling designs and wall decoration is that it is easy toinstall, it is light weight, but not fragile, it is easy tomanipulate and easy to transport, it can be treated similar tolight wood, you can paint it, the material it is made of is quitehard, strong and resistant, it's size will not deteriorate and itcomes in a large variety of shapes and sizes.Unique ceiling designs can be accomplished with the help offlexible crown molding alone or in addition to other designelements. With its easy application, quality materials and manybeautiful designs, molding can transform any room and if you takethe time to learn to install crown molding yourself it can also bea great investment.Looking for a great way to spruce up your ceilings? Or are youjust sick of staring at cables and wires when you look up? If youare looking for solutions to any of these or just want a moreextravagant ceiling, you can get false ceilings on your room thatwill impress your visitors like no other. False ceilings come inmany varieties and can make a huge difference in the impact of yourroom. If you have enough in your budget or have been wanting tomake your room look dramatic and impressive without movingfurniture, you should consider some of these ceiling designs.What exactly is a false ceiling that I speak of? A false ceilingis simply a supported ceiling below your regular ceiling. With thatin mind, you can get a false ceiling to do all sorts of opticaltricks.
Garage Workbench Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
The garage workbench is a must for everyhomeowner who has a 'do-it-yourself' attitude. Consider your futureprojects, and assume the ideal working area in your garage. Thenbuy or build the perfect workbench for your needs.Placement is KeyChoose the optimum spot for your garage workbench. If you parkvehicles in the garage, place your workbench in a location thatallows you maximum work space.If your house and garage are attached, your choice in placementmay be limited. Putting the garage workbench against a shared wallis a good idea for ease of electrical outlet installation. It willalso be the area to give you the most warmth during cold months.Some insulation for sound should be considered so the folks in thehouse are not bothered by the noise. If your garage stands alone,you may find it easier to select an area. Ideally, place yourgarage workbench along a bare wall in order to have plenty of roomfor cabinets and shelves on one or both sides of the workbench. Bypositioning your workbench on the opposite wall of a window, youwill be provided with the most natural light.If space is an issue, a fold-up garage workbench takes up littleroom when not in use. They are often designed with cabinet space tohang tools and hardware, and the hinged bench folds into that spacewith its legs tucked under. When you need to work, simply unfoldthe top, prop up the legs and get to it. Select one with a legsystem that is sturdy enough for your needs. Make sure to allowadequate space to work in when the bench is laid out.Height is ImportantA workbench should be higher than a desk, as you must be able tostand and work comfortably, with your arms bent at the right angle.Some experts suggest that the table top's height should be at thelevel of your navel or at the crease of your wrist. Others find itmore comfortable and usable at a higher level. If you want extrawork room and support, consider the height of your table saw andplace both together as a unit. You can set up a prototype bench byplacing a sheet of plywood on some blocks in order to determinewhich height works best for you.Store Every Tool within ReachDo you have more tools than your local building store? A workbench should have a large enough tabletop to hold various saws,sanders, and other power tools for easy access. Installing wallcabinets and shelves either above or beside the workbench willgreatly alleviate your organization task. Check out the myriad ofoptions available, from open wooden shelving to stainless steelcabinets especially designed for garage wear and tear. They shouldgive you ample space to store tools, manage all the hardware thatcomes with home improvement, and tuck away any work in progress.Some garage workbench designs actually incorporate a built-incabinet system which is very practical when attached to the garagewall. If you find the surface area of your workbench insufficient,consider setting up a supplementary table top elsewhere in thegarage.Do Not Forget the Pegboard!Every work area needs a pegboard that will accommodate a varietyof things, from tools and cords to tapes and work aprons. Be sureto install your garage workbench against a wall that leaves youenough room for a good-sized pegboard. If necessary, supplementwith additional boards elsewhere in the garage. Some workbenchesare available with a built-in pegboard, often located along theback of the bench.A Worthwhile Project - Workbench Kit or Build your Own?Various workbench kits are available on the market. Choose theone that best suits your needs. Consider a heavy duty stainlesssteel garage workbench if you expect to use it often and want extradurability. Be sure to have all of the right tools on hand toassemble it, and if necessary shop for some new ones! You will mostlikely want more handy tools for your new work space. Note thatsome essential hardware may not be included in your kit.
Bedroom Storage Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
When you start a family and get a new, largerhouse, you'd think of keeping it as new and spacious as it was whenyou started living there. However, within months you'll besurprised to see every corner of the house stacked with variousitems that you would've forgotten about completely by now. And thisis not just the case of your living room and kitchen but yourbedroom as well. Ironically, it is the bedroom that has to be keptfree of junk as you spend most time here, including the time youtake to sleep. Bedroom storage is therefore a factor that needs tobe given its due attention.There was a time when people used to live in larger houses wherethere were extra rooms to store items that were no longer in use.Today, however, we live in smaller apartments where there is justenough space to keep the most important items you need. So how doyou address the issue of storage is such places, especially in thebedroom?Bedroom storage is indeed a challenge in these modern houses andapartments. However, most engineers and interior decoratorsunderstand this truth now and try to find solutions that let youstore your items and at the same time keep the room clean andspacious. Here are a few solutions that you'll find in thecontemporary homes for storing items in bedrooms without making itlook congested:• Think twice before getting shelves and drawers for the room.If you can build the shelves into the walls instead of gettingfree-standing shelves and tables, that would be the best idea tosave space. Similarly, if you can have gaps with stands on thewalls you could store items like books, photo frames etc. there,instead of having another drawer for these items.• Find storage spaces within the furniture that you cannot dowithout in a bedroom such as the bed. Most manufacturers now offerbeds that come with storage space beneath the mattress. This helpsyou in keeping a lot of items such as bed sheets, blankets, pillowcovers inside these spaces and thus increase the space within thewardrobe shelves to keep your clothes.• Have a proper look at your dresses and check how many needs tobe hung and how many could be folded. This will help you indesigning your shelf in such a way that there is adequate space forall the clothes and even more for future. You could categorise theshelf so that each type of clothing has its own area. This way yourshelf would look better and you could find out how much more spaceis left in the shelf.• Keep all items where they belong. For example, you could keepyour toiletries such as your beauty care products, skin careproducts, deodorants etc. in a shelf in the bathroom. Items thateverybody in the house would need such as medicines and books inthe living or dining room. This way you could save more space inthe bedroom to make it more spacious.• Use the space close to the ceiling. By building aisles closeto the ceiling you could keep the items that are not alwaysrequired here. This way, the floors and the walls would be free ofjunk items and away from dust and dirt.It is common knowledge that rooms that have lesser items wouldlook bigger and more spacious. Hence, the more storage space youfind in bedrooms, the bigger it would look and cleaner. By keepingyour bedrooms clean and tidy by finding more bedroom storage space,you could wake up in a brightly lit room that is not onlyrefreshing but also energising.Living Storage gives you a perfect bedroom storage solution byoffering storage beds, beds with drawers etc. We can offer youadvice on anything related to our storage beds or range ofmattresses - we have been in this business for over 30 years and weknow a bit!
Bathroom Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
Today, thanks to advanced plumbing and moderntechnology, the bathroom may well have evolved as far as it can.With luxury steam rooms and hydrotherapy baths, it's difficult toimagine how bathrooms could get any more sophisticated. That said,the bathroom, like any room in the house, is ever changing in termsof design trends.Here we look at the five most popular styles of bathroomdesigns. Traditional, Country, Shabby chic, Contemporary andFantasy.TraditionalThe Traditional bathroom can mean either traditional in terms ofEdwardian or Victorian style, or in respect to a standard whitebathroom with basic sanitary ware and bath. Here, we'll be lookingat the style of bathroom design where it all started. The Edwardianbathroom.Over the past decade, with the popularity of TV shows likeChanging Rooms, the trend for old-fashioned bathrooms has seen areal upsurge. A rare gem of an old slipper bath or rustytraditional faucet may be found at a scrap yard or in a skip, butthankfully manufacturers are keeping up with demand with skillfullycrafted traditional bathroom products.Certain rooms only work in certain houses, so if you're livingin a modern high rise apartment the traditional bathroom isn'tgoing to work for you. If you have an old cottage or villa retreatthis style of bathroom is one you should definitely consider.CountryThe country style bathroom is perhaps the easiest type of designto create, and like the traditional bathroom only really works wellwithin the right house. The classic country look is best associatedwith floral wallpaper, high beams, basin frills and a bath canopy.Following the traditional design, cast iron baths and deep ridgedsanitary ware are what gives the country bathroom its nostalgiclook.Check, floral or plaid curtains are preferred over rollerblinds, and shutters, though rare in England, offer a great form ofprivacy as well as adding to the country effect. Wood plays a bigpart in this look, and almost all furniture works well in thissetting, especially beech, maple, ash and oak vanity units andcabinets.Shabby Chic"Shabby chic", a relatively new phrase used to describe roomdesigns, is an obscure blend of neglect and style. It is one of themost difficult bathroom designs to create, and it takes a bolddecision to go for this bathroom style. It almost certainlyachieves its full potential in a continental house, either a Frenchchateau or old Spanish villa.The absolute opposite of a fitted bathroom, the shabby chic lookis a mismatch of styles and products. You can even do theunexpected, like put a put a refrigerator in the corner. Nothing isexpected to match and pipework and plumbing are on show rather thanconcealed. This style is best suited to those who have inherited abathroom and want to update it a little rather than fork out on abrand new bathroom suite.ModernModern bathrooms are all about what you do with the space youhave. Within many bathrooms there is little room to work with, somaking the most of the space is essential. This is why fittedbathroom suites are now so popular. Having bathroom furniture madeto measure is one of the most practical design solutions whenremodeling the bathroom.How many of us have had a bathroom with a cluttered airingcupboard? With the modern bathroom there's no need to cram yourtoiletries, towels and cleaning fluids around the boiler. Withfitted vanity units, storage units and cabinets you'll have all thespace you need.FantasyDaring to be anything more than conventional, the fantasybathroom design lets you be truly innovative with your fantasiesand tastes. With the emphasis on futuristic, this style of bathroomis the antithesis of the traditionalist.The ultimate luxury in a fantasy bathroom would have to be awaterproof TV. You could even think of doubling the bathroom up asgym, complete with exercise bike and rowing machine.
Amazing Street Art 3D 1.1
Lucent Beam
Amazing Street Art 3DFind Amazing Street Art 3D in this application for free.If you've ever seen sidewalk pictures that appear so real it seemsas if they're actually part of the landscape, you've seen artworkcreated with anamorphic 3-D painting techniques. From allviewpoints but one, the painting will appear odd or stretched outof shape. Anamorphic means to purposely distort an image along twoperpendicular axes to fit within a frame or to give it athree-dimensional appearance when viewed from exactly the rightspot.The Perspective GridBefore you can paint an anamorphic 3-D painting, draw out aperspective grid on paper or canvas. At the base of the paper, thesquares are all equal size, but as they move toward the top, theindividual grids become smaller, coming to a vanishing point offthe page somewhere in the distance. Add numbers to each line of thegrid, starting from the back and moving forward along the right orleft side for the lines that are horizontal in the grid. Also dothe same for the lines that run vertically in the grid. This helpsyou complete your final painting.Sketched Image and Second GridSketch the image on the perspective grid as you would draw it on ablank piece of paper, staying within the grid as you draw. Do notdraw outside the grid lines. On the canvas or paper where you planto paint the final image, lightly draw the grid lines flat, withoutthe perspective horizontally and vertically. Use the same amount ofgrid lines as you did for your perspective grid. Each of thesehorizontal and vertical lines must correspond to the grid linenumbers from the perspective grid, although the squares can be muchbigger -- up to 10 times bigger if desired -- but they must be ofequal size in this grid to help you distort the image when you drawit.Redraw the ImageOn the new larger piece of paper or canvas, draw the image again,copying the shapes from each individual square from the perspectivegrid. As you reach the top of the page, because the perspectivegrid gets smaller, these areas on the enlarged paper are going toget bigger and appear more stretched. This is the way it should bewith an anamorphic image that you want to appear in threedimensions. Copy the entire image from the smaller perspective gridonto the larger sheet freehand.Paint, Shadow and HighlightErase all the lines from the picture with an art eraser; do noterase the drawing. Brush off the paper or canvas, and beginpainting. As you paint the picture, don't forget to include shadedareas and shadows in the work along with highlighted areas to givethe painting depth and realism. When shading and blending, use twodifferent colors in the same family to create the depth, a darkerand lighter version of the same hue. Choose a third, darker, colorfor deeper shadows -- for example purple for a red and red-orangerose to create darker shadow areas between the rose petals -- anduse white to create highlights where needed. Add a shadow to theimage at the bottom. Set the image where it can be viewed as if itwere 3-D. Some artists prefer to cut out the image from the paperto help give it depth.What does Cape Town have in common with New York, Sao Paulo,Berlin, London and Paris? It may not appear as the obvious answerat first, but Cape Town joins these other cities as one of theworld's top destinations when it comes to graffiti or street art,as is fast becoming the preferred term. Traversing simple acts ofvandalism and maturing into a fully fledged art form, street art isconscious of itself and its strength to communicate with people.For this reason street art, perhaps more than any other form ofart, carries strong social and political messages. This isincredibly evident on the streets of Cape Town, which abound withstriking pieces that are not only beautiful but also insightful andloaded with meaning.
Garage Bar Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
If you are finally decisive about going aheadwith that home bar, you need to be aware of the options availableto you on its selection. There are specifically three options fromwhich you can choose. Option one would be to design the bar, buildand install it yourself. This would work for you if you are handywith carpenter skills or know someone who is and have a difficultlocation in mind for your home bar that requires custom touches. Ifthat is not the case, you can buy a used bar, install it as is ormake any required modifications to bring it up to your standardsand fit the designated area of your home in which you want itlocated. Lastly, you can buy a spanking new bar with all the bellsand whistles of your dreams, ready for installation.Therefore, whatever choice is decided upon, it is critical toreflect on a number of processes and considerations that willreduce frustration and yield a wonderful entertaining unit andvalue added dimension to the home.First of all, as with any important undertaking, it is importantto have a plan. Consequently, the home of bar builder shouldidentify that area within the home in which the bar will be placed.It is paramount that drawings to scale be made and conducive to thestyle of home bar that is desired. Those typical styles of barsthat can be considered include a standard straight sided bar, ahome bar in the shape of an L, a horseshoe shaped bar or a home barthat is rectangular in dimension. It is also important to determinewhether this bar will be a permanent fixture or can be moved.The planning stage also needs to cover where in the room thehome bar will be situated. If the bar is to be in the middle of aroom, it must look presentable from all angles; a rectangularshaped bar would fill that need. On the other hand, if your homebar is going to be in a corner or against a wall, you don?t care ifthe side against the wall or sides in the corner are finished andpresentable. Here a simple straight sided structure would donicely.Dream the dream.Let your imagination run wild, create a wish list and allowyourself to include everything you have ever wanted, designing ahome bar form scratch means that you don't have to compromise. Fromyour wish list you can whittle down your requirements depending onyour home, the space you have available and your budget. You needto consider your home décor, how you entertain your friends andwhat your personal tastes are.Think about the cost.You need to consider how much money you invest before you begin,installing a bar can be a quick weekend job or may involve a morein-depth building project, it is important to establish what levelof work is involved and commit to the necessary budget.Location, location, locationWhere you decide to place you bar is very important, it is nogood installing it behind the back of a door that leads into thegarden as there will always be clashes, neither is it a good ideato locate it at the bottom of the stairs if you have young childrenwhere noise can travel. Good locations include recreation rooms,garages, sheds, gardens, and dining rooms, but be mindful ofimportant factors such as plumbing for sinks and power sources forrefrigeration, blenders and other equipment.It's all about the size and shape.Standard dimensions for home bars are about 42 inches tall andabout 24 inches deep, and barstools are around 30 inches tall, butyou need to make sure that your bar is high enough for your stoolsso you guests can sit and drink comfortably. Popular options forhome bar designs are straight, L Shape, round or kidney.Now there is nothing to stop you browsing the internet, taking atrip to your local shops, picking up interior design magazines tohelp you create your home bar wish list, if you need any helpchoosing your bar there are plenty of resources on the internet tohelp you get started.
Front Yards Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
In general when you are landscaping a frontyard you will have to use different principles and plant selectionthan you would in the backyard. This is because you are designingfor a different purpose for the two different yards. The backgarden is very much a place of solitude where you can relax andenjoy yourself in a personal space. In the front you are trying tocreate an inviting atmosphere, and one through which people caneasily access your house. Because of this you will have to thinkslightly differently when creating your landscape design.You probably don't spend too much time in your front yard so youmight be tempted to think that the landscaping is not as important,but that would be a mistake. Not only will a beautifully designedlandscaping the front of your house give a good impression topeople who are visiting, but it may also increase the appeal ofyour house to potential buyers if you are thinking of selling.Because you are going to be designing the front landscape aroundaccessibility, the first thing you should decide on is where yourpaths and driveway are going to go. In many cases this may alreadybe decided for you depending on where your garage is. Once you knowwhere these important parts of the front yard are then you need tocreate a landscaping design around them.Let us see some important ideas.o Keep in mind the location in which you construct your dreamhouse. Look around the nature and environment. Your front yardneeds to be in tandem with the natural landscape. Front yardlandscaping should merge fully with the lawn and groundscharacteristics.o Keep a watch on the architecture of your house. The front yardshould depend on the architectural style of the home. Many peoplemake oval shaped or diagonal shaped front yard in accordance withthe architectural style of the building.o The location of the house will play a major role inlandscaping of the front yard. If it is close to a busy street, thelandscaping need to be different from a one in a place interior tothe city. As the people just passes by with only a single glance,the landscaping in the first case need to be very imposing andattractive. In the second case of an interior house, you can makeit little more artistically so that anybodycan enjoy the beauty by spending some time. It is like fast pacedlife in city and the calm secluded life in interiors.o While designing the front yard, make sure that green plainlawns are a part of it. Neatly designed pathways will improve theview of the landscape. There can be two three small areas whereflowered plants grow. Soft sands can be used to bring good look forthe pathways in the front yard.o You can put water fountains to improve the impressive look ofthe front yard. Colored illumination will be an added attractionfor the front yard.o Antique materials and statues can be used to make the frontyard to give a natural look.All these front yard design ideas can make your design farbetter. You can get free ideas from internet. There are many sitesoffering good consultation and ideas to make your front yardbeautiful. Also you can go for many paintings, still photos andvideo clippings to get good ideas. Do a thorough online search;Internet is so vast you can get your favorite idea for a beautifullandscape design. Landscaping is really an art. If you have talentand patience to see every minute details of the design, you areassured of making an imposing front yard landscape.
3D Floor Design Ideas 1.0
Lucent Beam
A picture is worth a thousand words, butsometimes it takes more than words. Floor plans can tell a story.They can say even more when walls rise from those plans and givethe viewer a unique perspective on what the final design will looklike.Draft the floor plan to the desired scale. This will alsodetermine the size of the model. Most models are designed at1/8-inch scale or 1/16-inch scale. Models for the average size homeare done at 1/8-inch scale. Make sure wall thickness is designed toscale. Complete the design on tracing vellum with a draftingpencil.Take completed floor plan to a graphics store that createsblueprints from tracing vellum. Get at least two blueprintsdone.Cut the floor plan from the blueprint plan. Use an Exacto knifeto cut the outer walls of the floor plan.Spray the backside of the blueprint with spray adhesive. Thiscan be obtained at the local graphics store.Apply the cut floor plan to foam core. This material isavailable in most art stores. Make sure the floor plan is smoothedout over the foam core.Cut the foam core along the outline of the floor plan. Score thefoam core several times in order to cut it. Do not attempt to makea complete cut at one time.Create wall elevations with ceiling heights at the same scale asthe floor plan. The length of the walls should equal the variouswalls in the floor plan. Each wall should be cut out and glued tothe corresponding wall thickness in the floor plan. Plans withmultiple floors may use the same process and stacked on top of eachother when completed.If you are renovating your home, and you are looking to put newflooring in, then this article has been written to give you sometips that may come in handy. Here are a few things to think aboutwhen renovating your floor.Tip 1. One of the first tips that you may need to take intoconsideration is measuring the area that the new floor will beplaced in. Measuring the floor will give you an accurate reading asto how big it should be. So start with taking measurements of thearea.Tip 2. The next tip that can be suggested is choosing the righttype of flooring that matches with the room you are renovating.This is important, as you do not want to place carpet in thebathroom area, or in the kitchen. So choose accordingly to whatfloor will suit the area being renovated.Tip 3. Working out your budget is also important. When it comesto renovating, set yourself a budget to stick to. This way you donot spend more than you have to on your materials that are neededto finish the job.Tip 4. When choosing the floor design, be sure to make it matchthe rest of the room. Colour scheme is something that you may needto take into consideration. By choosing the right texture andcolour it can really set the room off with a homely feel aboutit.Tip 5. If you have small children and you are putting new carpetit, it may be wise to choose a colour where stains are not asvisible as what they would be on a white carpet. The lighter thecarpet colour is, the more the stains will show up.So if you are renovating your home with new flooring, why nottake some of these tips into consideration. You may be surprised atthe end result.
Doll House Design Ideas 1.1
Lucent Beam
Miniature designer dolls house furniture isconsidered by some to be great masterpieces of today. Their littlesize boasts of artistry and skilled craftsmanship that rival otherdecorative fields of design. This art form has been graduallygaining popularity as the idea is both simple and revolutionary.This artistic style follows the concept of miniaturisingeveryday objects and turning them into tiny works of art. In thecase of dolls house furniture, the artist is given the task oftaking everyday objects and reproducing them in a much smallerscale. The artistic success of the craftsmanship will be thereforedetermined by those who see the art. The goal is for the art in theobject to dominate over other qualities and characteristics. Thisis the same principle that is used in many similar art forms thatinvolve household objects and ordinary things.Choosing doll house kit accessories and such can be moredifficult than anyone first imagines. Solely because there is suchan enormous selection available. Doll house kits are an extremelypopular choice for hobbyists, offering people the opportunity toadd their own personal touch to their hand built creations.A kit is also a great way for newcomers to learn the ropes, getsome basic experience, and gain new ideas. Once built, a doll housecan easily be customised with furniture and decoration, realisingthe ultimate dream home. And you will realize some of the dollshouses around are quite remarkable.What's On Offer?Purchasing doll house buildings and accessories can offer a moreeconomical way to create your ideal dolls house. Even so, that isjust one of the many advantages gained when taking this option. Thefirst and foremost choice to make, excluding the budget, is thestyle. There's an amazing choice of doll house kits around,especially online. Including special feature kits for many of theholiday celebrations, such as Christmas and Halloween.Be SureDoll houses can be quite a specialized collectors field. Evenso, there are many basic 'starter' kits available, aimed at bothadults and children alike. Offering up the curious and unusual, aswell as more familiar and simplistic designs.Another very important thing is to take your time to decide.Avoid the temptation to buy the first dolls house that 'catchesyour eye'. The probability is you'll get it home, set it up, andrealize it's entirely the wrong design for you or your child.Small Is Beautiful ... And Very Practical!Modern style dollhouses are produced and a first choice foradults and children. With regards to dolls house sets of a 'period'design, the most popular choices tend to be Georgian, Tudor andVictorian houses.Size is also another important factor. If this is your firstattempt at putting together a kit, choosing a complex mansion withlots of rooms may not be the best idea, even if you totally adorethe design. If you are not so sure of your 'craft' skills, stick tothe basics. With some of the creative designs around today, solelybecause it's small does not mean it will be uninteresting. We onlyhave to observe the phenomenal success of miniatures to be assuredof that!Thinking AheadChoosing doll house kits designs that can meet your needs, arevisually pleasing to you, and of an acceptable budget, isparamount; as well as being within your capacities ofconstruction.Even if you begin small, there's always the option of extending!Maybe a stylish attic or basement conversion? If you are thinkingthat's a possibility, go for a design that will enable you toachieve this more easily later on.Take away all the stress of 'Home Buying'! When choosing fromall the dollhouse kit styles and accessories on the market, thinkahead. It will save you time and money in the long run. Leavingmore of the two to lavish upon your perfect home!